Chapter 4: Moving Day

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I have all my belongings packed up and ready to be moved to my new house. Bri and the boys came over about 10 minutes ago to help load things in the truck. The boys are going to carry all the heavy stuff, like the furniture, and Bridget and I will take the lighter things.

"Watch out! I told you guys not to mess around! If anything breaks, you have to replace it!" I scolded Niall and Harry becuase they were tossing my lamp back and forth with each other. These people are crazier than I thought.

"Sorry," Harry grinned. I gave him a cold glare that said 'watch it' and his grin vanished.

I can't believe how many changes happened in life in the last few days. It's still weird to think that my parents are really gone. Even though we didn't have the best connection, I still somewhat cared about them. I knew they were hiding something from me. I just wish they trusted me enough to tell me what it was.

"We're done packing everything into the truck," Austin said. My brothers, Cody, and Ryan also decided to help me with the move. "I'll drive the truck to the new place and everyone else will meet there," Austin added.

"Ok, let's go," I said.

Bridget, Cody, and Ryan are riding with me in my car. Dylan is going with Austin, and the boys are going in their own car.

I know I've said this before, but Harry, Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam actually aren't as bad as I thought. I expected them to be arrogant jerks that don't care about anything but themselves and their appearances, but I guess I was wrong. They are very unique in their own way. Louis is very outgoing. Niall is my eating buddy. Harry can definitely be a flirt. He is actually pretty annoying sometimes. I don't know much about Zayn or Liam though. I haven't learned many things about them.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I realized that we arrived. Now for the unpacking. All the boys were going to take my things out of the truck and put them in the house, while Bri and I put them away.

Three hours later and the truck was empty and most of my stuff was put away. We decided to take a break so now everyone was in the living room.

"This is a really cool place. It's big too," Dylan commented.

"Yeah, I like really like it," I replied.

I looked over at Dylan and saw him smirking at me. What was thinking?

"I have an idea," Dylan announced, keeping the smirk on his face. I wasn't going to like this.

"Now what exactly is this idea?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Well, I was thinking, Makayla probably doesn't want her first day at her new home be boring and lonely so I thought it would be a good idea if we all stay over tonight. A sleepover could be a great way to get to know each other because we don't really know Harry, Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Niall so well and they don't know us," he suggested. My eyes widened. I wasn't prepared for this. They boys are great to hang out with, but I don't know if I want them to stay over. From what I know about them so far, they could pretty much burn this place down just by standing five feet away from a stove.

Everyone was starting at me to see if I was okay with this. I couldn't say no, could I?

"I'm okay with it if everyone else is." I'm definitely going to regret this.

"Alright then, what do you guys think?" Dylan turned to Liam becuase he apparently is the responsible one out of his group of monkeys.

"That sounds like a great idea," He glanced to his friends and they nodded their heads in agreement.

It was getting late so we all decided to change our clothes. The boys, Cody, and Ryan had to borrow some of my brothers' clothes. Dylan and Austin left some of their clothes with me from their past visits.

I wore my light blue pajama pants with a matching t-shirt. Bri borrowed my purple ones.

When we were all changed, we met up in the living room. Nobody said anything. We were all bored and had nothing to do. I found myself glancing at Harry. His curly hair, captivating green eyes, pink lips, tattoos, and the muscles I could see through his thin shirt. I have to admit, he is extememly handsome. 

I forced my gaze somewhere else and tried to focus my thoughts on the blank TV which seemed more interesting at the moment.

"It's obvious we are all bored so I think we should play a game," Louis suggested.

"Well what kind if game?" Liam asked.

"I have a couple of board games we could choose from," I say.

"Like what?" Harry asks.

"Umm," I get up and grab a box that was not unpacked yet and was set at the side of the room. Inside of it is where all my board games are stored. "There is Taboo, Monopoly, Apples to Apples, and Uno," I list off the items in the box.

"Uno isn't a board game," Niall points out.

"So? That doesn't mean we can't play it," Lily says.

"Okay then, let's play that," Liam says. Everyone else agrees so I grab the Uno container and set everything up at the coffee table, where we were all gathered.t

We played for a while until Niall started whining.

"I hungry!"

"Niall, it's late, you shouldn't eat now," Liam said.

"But I'm hungry..."

"Niall you can eat whatever is in the kitchen, just don't eat everything. I'm going to bed. I have two guest rooms you guys can use and if some of you want to, you can sleep on the couches," I told them.

"Goodnight Mak," Harry smiled. It was the fist time he called me by my nickname. Everyone else echoed goodnights to me as I walked down the hall.

I went into my new room and looked around. Everything was plain and white. I need to decorate it one day. My eyes landed on a picture sticking out of one of the boxes. I walked ovr to it and picked it up. It was a picture of me when I was thirteen. I was standing in front of my parents. Dylan and Austin were next to me. We were at a carnival. We looked so happy; our smiles were genuine. I miss those days. I couldn't help but feel a pain in my chest. There was no chance things could go back to the way they were. I sighed and put down the picture.

When I was sixteen, I got a little curious about my family's history. My parent's never told me much about my relatives and we never visited them often. I started going through a lot of photo albums and other things I found in the attic. My dad found out what I was doing and forced me not do go through anymore things in the attic. I didn't get what the big problem was. I was just curious, but he got angry about it.

Ever since then, my mom and dad started acting strange. It was they were watching my every move and making sure I wasn't snooping around. After a while, I came to the conclusion that they were hiding something, something big, and they didn't want me to find out. I asked them about it once and they didn't deny it, but they also didn't confirm my suspicions completely.

I was their daughter and they couldn't keep these kinds of things from me. I wanted to know about my family, but they refused to let me. I because irritated with them and didn't want to live with them if they were just going to keep secrets from me and not trust me with anything. They also became more distant from me and I didn't like it.

That's when I finally decided that I had enough and moved out. It was hard at first, but Austin and Dylan helped me. My mom and dad haven't tried to contact me once since then and neither have I. When I moved, that was the big change for me. I became more tuff and didn't trust and care about people as much. They just leave you in the end.

All this has been causing me too much stress. I need to get some rest. Hopefully tomorrow I could forget about it.


A/N: I'm so sorry this chapter sucked. I procrastinated and didn't write this until this morning when I was supposed to update today. I'm sorry if there are a lot of mistakes. I didn't get to edit it. I'm also sorry if this book is extremly boring because it's my first book and I am not a good author. I have an idea for the story but it's extremely cliché. I hope you somewhat like it.


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