Chapter 21: The Funeral

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Hello lovely readers! I know that it has been a very very very long time. I doubt that there are any of you left who still read this but if you're still here then I please ask that you somehow let me know because I am so curious to know who you are! The reason why it has been so long is because after a while of writing this story, I went back and realized how unhappy I was with the work. So I lost the passion to continue writing it, thus the lack of updates. I love love love writing stories and have recently gone back to do so on wattpad. However, since I want a fresh start, I'm writing on my second account: luv_ya_bunches_. Please go check that out because I'm really excited about what I am writing on there and a promise that it is a lot better than this work. I should be uploading the first chapter on there within the next couple of days. Also, if you end up liking what you read, please spread the word!
I realized that I shouldn't have left this story off the way I did so here's the next chapter. I still will not be finishing this story unfortunatley but I may upload something more a little later that will explain what happens so you aren't left with just half a story. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and I'm sorry that it's so short.

The summer heat eventually fades into an autumn breeze. It's been about two months since Cody's funeral. It's also been about two months since I've had any contacts with Z. No notes. No representatives. Nothing.

I've been thinking about Cody ever since the day he was announced dead. His funeral was two days after that.

*two months ago

I stared outside the window in my bedroom while smoothing out the black dress I had on.

The sun was shining. The birds were chirping. It seemed as if the world decided to be extra full of happiness and joy just on this specific day. I was mad at the world. It had no right to be so happy on a day that was supposed to be filled with grief.


I turned around to see Harry standing in the doorway of my bedroom. He was dressed in black shoes, black slacks, a black button up, and a black jacket over it.

"We have to get going. Everyone is downstairs waiting," he told me. I slowly nodded my head and followed him to the foyer.

Lily, Austin, Dylan, Violet, Ryan and I are all riding in one car to the funeral. Harry, Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Niall are riding in another car. We arrived at the funeral, and all I could think as I stepped out of the car, was that this really wasn't some sort of nightmare. This was real. I'm never going to see Cody ever again.

The funeral was a blur to me. I couldn't focus on what was going on because my mind was elsewhere. It was distracted. All I could think about was how things have changed a lot recently, and how they will change even more following the death of one of my best friends.

I was also distracted by the idea that Cody's death was my fault. It certainly seemed like it. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have been dragged into that fight. Guilt stirred deep within me. Cody would still be here if it wasn't for me. Negative thoughts run through my mind and I can't help blaming myself.

I can't be here. Cody wouldn't want the person who put him in danger to be at his funeral. I was contemplating the decision to stand up and leave when I was broken out of my thoughts by a small nudge of an elbow on my arm.

I looked up at the man sat beside me. His striking eyes stared into my own.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked me lightly.

I turned away from him. "Harry, I'm at my best friend's funeral. Do you think really I'm alright?" I replied, staring at my fingers as they played with the hem of my dress.

"Right, sorry," he said, "It's just that something seems to be upsetting you, something other than being here."

I didn't reply to Harry. Instead, I stood quickly, catching the attention of only a few people around me.

"Makayla, what are you doing?" Harry whispered.

Once again, I was silent as I walked away as quickly and quietly as I could, not looking back to notice that Harry had copied my actions and was right behind me.


Once again, thank you so much if you are still here and reading this. I really really appreciate it. Please let me know if you are still here, whether it's through a simple vote, comment, or even message. I definitely recommend looking out for my first update on luv_ya_bunches_. Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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