Chapter 5: Uncovered

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Please read my author's note at the end of this. IT'S IMPORTANT! Thanks, hope you enjoy this chapter...

I was woken up the next morning by a strange smell and muffled yelling. It almost smells like...


I shot up out at my bed and ran out of my room. The first thing I saw when I made it to the kitchen was Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Louis surrounded by a cloud of smoke. The smoke was coming from the the oven. Niall and Liam were coughing all over the place, Harry and Zayn were trying to stop the smoke, and Louis was randomly running around screaming "FIRE! FIRE!"

"WHAT DID YOU IDIOTS DO?!" I shrieked. They all stopped what they were doing and turned to me. They smiled innocently.

"Well, we woke up before everyone else and we were bored and hungry so we decided to make breakfast for everyone. As you can see everything is going great and we didn't just almost burn your new house down, so why don't you just go sit down in the living room and wait for the food to be done," Louis tried gently pushing me away from the kitchen, but I didn't budge.

I knew it. I shouldn't have agreed to let them stay. They reached five feet away from the stove and they nearly blew up the place.

"What's going on?" Bridget, Dylan, Cody, Ryan, and Austin walked in, also coughing.

"They almost killed us all!" I yelled, pointing at the culprits.

"Stop being so dramatic Mak," Harry rolled his eyes.

"I'm not being dramatic!"

"Okay, so why doesn't everyone leave the kitchen so Mak can fix this," Austin suggested. I scowled at him.

"ME?! It was the five idiots who did it. They have to clean up their mess," I complained. Nobody said anything. They just rushed out of the kitchen leaving me in the crowding smoke. I coughed, grumbling incoherent words under my breath as I made my way to the window and opened it up. Then I went to the door that leads to the backyard and opened that up along with some other windows.

When I was done, I went back into the living room to see everyone sitting down watching the news. I sat down next to Bridget.

"So where are you guys staying right now?" Dylan asked our new friends.

"We're staying at a hotel until we get an apartment or something," Zayn replied.

"Doesn't it get uncomfortable staying there? I know the hotels around here aren't exactly five star," Bridget's lips turned into a smirk. Oh no. Whenever one of my friends smirk, it ends up badly. Last time it caused my house to almost get burned down.

"Bri, whatever you're thinking, don't even share it with us," I warned.

"I was just considerin-"

"Nope, no thinking, no considering. Keep your mouth shut,"

"Too bad. It's my mouth and I can do whatever I want with  it. Now, I was thinking about a place for the boys to stay while their here that is more comfortable than a stinky hotel and definitely available," she explained.

"Where would that be?" Niall asked.

"Right here," Bri smiled at me.

"Oh no no no NO! Not gonna happen. Sorry. Nope!" I shook my head. There was no way the monkeys were going to live with me for who knows how long. I wouldn't survive with them.

"Pleeeaaasse. Wouldn't it be so much fun to have company with you in your big, lonely, quiet home?" She tried convincing me.

"No it wouldn't! Do you not remember what happened this morning? By the time they leave, my house would be destroyed and I would probably not have lived through the first week! I will not have five monkeys temporarily living with me!" I stood my ground.

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