Chapter 16: April's Box

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Many, many, many, many, many people in this world are faced with problems and situations that they don't want to deal with. Some are small, like if they need to choose what to wear the morning of some major event, and some are big, like facing the death of someone you love at an early age. Both are considered problems, but it's how you deal with them that really makes a difference.

As I walk around my neighborhood, I think about how drastically things changed today. I had such an amazing time with Harry. I actually enjoyed talking with him and sharing a bit about myself even though we didn't stay for long. Unfortunately, that fun day didn't continue because I come home to find absolute chaos.

What upsets me the most is not that they let a raccoon inside in the first place, it's that none of them even took responsibility to deal with it in the right way. They could have calmly figured out how to get the raccoon out of the house, but instead, they argue with each other while they creature is still roaming the house, destroying all my things.

When I finally decide to look at my phone, I realize that I've been gone for quite a while. I should probably start heading back now. I turn around and start walking slowly. I want to maximize the time until I have to face my problem.

When I make it home, it's unusually quiet. The house looks cleaner, but I don't see or hear anyone.

Harry comes out of no where and wraps his arms around my waist. At first, I just stand there, then I copy his actions and wrap my arms around him.

"I was getting worried, you were gone for a couple hours," he murmurs.

"Why would you worry about me?" I ask.

"You're like my best friend and I care about you. I wouldn't want you to get hurt or anything," he says.

"Oh, well that's sweet, but there's no need to worry," I assure him as we release each other.

We walk into the kitchen, where Louis, Zayn, and Lily are. I look past them and stay silent as I walk towards the refrigerator to grab a snack.

"We got the raccoon out, "Lily says softly. I turn around to face her, leaning my back against the refrigerator door and forgetting about my snack. 

"Oh did you now," I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah, and I'm really sorry about what happened earlier and what you saw. We all acted really immature," she says.

"Well I can't disagree with you there," I reply.

"Louis and I are also sorry that we let the raccoon inside. It just surprised us. We didn't  expect to ever see a raccoon in someone's backyard. It's pretty rare and I guess we were just focused on that instead of making sure it didn't get in, Zayn explains.

"We wanted to apologize too," Niall says as him and Liam walk into the kitchen.

"It's fine. I'm just disappointed, you know?" I tell them.

"We cleaned up everything that the raccoon ruined. There was nothing really valuable broken. We're going to replace everything. It was just a few plates and some orange box," she explains.

My breath hitches in my throat and my eyes widen. "An orange box?"

"Yeah," Lily says, not noticing my panic, "I found it on the floor next to the mantle. The glass is broken, so I threw it away."

"YOU WHAT?" I immediately run to the trash can and sure enough, my precious orange box is in there. I mentally groan. This day couldn't get any worse.

I pull it out of the trash can and examine it. It's a small, glass box, about the size of a smart phone case. There is a large crack through the the middle of it, and some of the decorations that were on it are now missing.

I feel tears prick my eyes. It's ruined. Damaged. Gone. I try to control my tears, because I despise crying, especially in front of other people, but I can't help the sob that manages to escape.

Immediately, Lily rushes to me, followed by the boys, and holds me before I collapse in a fit of sobs. She tries soothing me while I cry into her shoulder, my tears staining her shirt.

This object in my hand is more than just a random orange box. When I was eight years old, I was sort of a girly girl. My room was covered in everything pink and I only had friends who were girls, because back then, boys had cooties. I actually only had one friend, my best friend, and her name was April.

I met her at school. We were in the same class. I started hanging out with her more and eventually, we became best friends. After a while, there was never a time where we wouldn't be together. She ended up living on the same street as me and I would see her everyday.

April was the only one who knew me even more than I knew myself and vice versa. She was my sister. We had a bond possibly even stronger than the one we had with our own families.

When we were eleven years old, April and I made a promise to each other. We promised to always be best friends, to stay loyal, and to never let anything come between us and ruin what we have. We promised to stand by each other's sides, even when we are ninety years old and can't even remember our names.

Unfortunately, that promise wasn't fulfilled and never will be. April was diagnosed with a disease that eventually took her life. The last time I saw her was when I was visiting her in the hospital. She had asked me to bring two small, glass boxes and some crafty decorations.

April's time in the hospital was really boring for her, so this was a way to distract herself while also hanging out with her best friend. We glued on a bunch of things to the boxes and wrote our names on it. April gave me her box and I gave her mine.

When I found out that she died six days later, the first thing I did was cry my heart out, then I made another promise to her. I was going to keep her orange box and treasure it. That box is the only thing I have left of her because my family moved away a couple months after that, leaving only memories and the orange box with me.

I miss April do much. I wish she is still here and that my best friend is still alive. A huge part of me broke when she left. Nobody could replace her and nobody ever will.

Seeing the box all shattered and destroyed made me think of how April would be so disappointed in me. Our first promise failed so I was determined to keep the second one. I failed that too.

I continue sobbing while Lily comforts me and the boys say encouraging words.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Lily asks me when I've calmed down a bit. None of them know anything about April.

I shake my head no and break away from her grasp. With the broken treasure in my hands, I make my way to my room and lock myself in.

I sit down on the bed and stare at April's box.

I remember everything from the day she made this. Just thinking about it makes me start sobbing all over again.

I set it down on my desk, wipe my tears, and grab my guitar. Then I sneak outside, making sure no one sees me, and make my way to the place that could give me the most peace right now.

When I reach the fence, there is a small piece of paper taped to the door.

This day keeps getting better and better, doesn't it?


A/N: This chapter is dedicated to 1D_spn_love because she dedicated a chapter of her book to me and I really appreciate that!

Some of you don't know much about me so comment any questions you have and I will answer one in the next chapter. If I choose your question, I'll give you a shoutout in that chapter.

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