Couple 4

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Jinholo: Kino, Shinwon, Yuto, and Wooseok

Cute: Why

You'reinshin: What

Yutoda: You called

Animalspirit: ??

Redstone: Why did you guys go to Lotte World without the rest of us

Yutoda: Oh that was Shinwon's fault

Hue: Is it actually Shinwon's fault or are we doing the thing where we just blame Shinwon

You'reinshin: Rude

Animalspirit: It actually is Shinwon's fault this time

Yeolo: How did you guys forget us

Cute: Well we were on the chat when you guys weren't and talked about going to Lotte World. I said someone should get you guys and Shinwon said he would

Weirdo: So Shinwon forgot about us

Yutoda: Yup. When we asked what he was doing for the extra time where we thought he was getting you guys, he said he was, and I quote, "willing myself out of bed" and "getting extra clothes"

Yanangel: offended yet I have a fear of rollercoasters anyway so

Animalspirit: Anyway, what did you 6 do

Jinholo: We went on a triple date

Cute: So in a way, it was kinda a win win

Redstone: I guess

You'reinshin: Single squad went to Lotte World and the couples had a date

Yutoda: Oh speaking of single squad, I'm not part of it anymore 

Cute: What?! Since when

Yutoda: Last night at Lotte World

Hue: With who

Weirdo: I mean it obviously can't be a girl

Animalspirit: Me

Yanangel: Why are they so casual about it

Yeolo: Right? They're acting as if this is totally normal

Redstone: Explain what happened

Yeolo: It's pretty cliche now that I think about it

Cute: The cliche ones are pretty cute though

Animalspirit: Well Kino and Shinwon went off to some other rides and Yuto was hungry so I bought him a cotton candy

Weirdo: I'm reminded of PENTAGON MAKER

Hue: Hah that was great 


Yeolo: That was so cute

Jinholo: Back to the story

Animalspirit: After handing him the cotton candy, I brought him to the ferris wheel and we got on

Cute: This is so cute afhafhowuahg

Animalspirit: The sun was setting so by the time we got to the top, the sky was a pretty mix of blue, pink, and orange

Yutoda: It was really pretty

Animalspirit: We got to watch the sunset and watch as the sky got darker with all the light around the area lighting up the ground. I turned to Yuto who as sitting next to me looking outside and confessed to him

Hue: alsdkfjwoief so cute I can't even

Jinholo: Well congrats to you two then

Redstone: Glad you finally confessed Wooseok

Weirdo: Welcome to the couple squad

You'reinshin: Great so Kino and I are the only single ones left

Yanangel: Yup

Cute: *cries in Korean* oh right I'm single


A/N: I really hate voting season like the shade seems worse this year? I'm always happy to see idols interact at the award shows and watch them get awards but the fans are always at each other's throats. I actually unfollowed an account on social media because they were shading ARMYs and the account was for EXO-Ls only. I'm not saying ARMYs are innocent either because apparently one created a block list full of EXO fan accounts and other ARMYs actually mass blocked them. Being multifandom is tough when you see all this happening and it's not only between ARMY and EXO-Ls; it's just that they are big feuding fandoms even when EXO and BTS ARE FRIENDS! I appreciate all the mature fans of all fandoms who vote for their faves without causing any crap. To the immature ones, they are just plain embarrassing. My rant is over, thanks for reading if you did. 

~Admin Jin

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