chapter 4

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The days rolled passed where I wouldn't smile or laugh, but get on with my life.

I would skip meals with the excuse of, 'I've got homework to do' or 'I told Han i would meet her' and just simply get out the house, go for a walk just by myself and sit on the swings.

This was not how I thought single life would be like, i guess i never knew what to expect.

But somehow my friends would make me smile when i was in the crappiest of moods joking that I was 'in need of a high dose of Prozac' or 'ALERT ALERT watch out grumpy has just arrived'. I love them at the same time as i hate them.

But then one day as I got home from college mum and dad sat me down. And I knew that when they do, shit is gonna go down!

"Darling do you know how dad has been working really long hour at the office" my mother sweetly started off by saying...


"Well... he has got a promotion we are moving to Yorkshire"

OMG as people would say, as if my life could not get any worse we had to go and move to a different place entirely, brill.

"Oh yey great, as in up North? Like Middle earth?"


Even bloody better.

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