chapter 24

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I quickly gather all of my stuff from the floor and leave Meg and the other guys sat on the grass under our tree. I bolted for the nurse’s office, down the corridor, weaving between other students whilst accidently knocking books out of people's hands apologising as I run. I finally reach the nurse's office, opposite Mr Blackburn's office and next to the dining hall. I don't know what to do, do I knock and wait or do I just go in...

I just slowly open the door to see Arny and Dominic sat at opposite ends of the room pressing ice packs onto their eyes or jaw lines, and Arny also has cotton buds push up to his nose... I could only think of one think but i wanted to make sure I was right...

But first i must make sure Dominic’s alright, I run towards him lean down kiss his forehead and lift his chin so we're eye to eye.

'Are you alright?' He shakily nods his head so I carry on,

'Are you gonna tell me what happened?'

He nods his head and opens his mouth to say something but then Arny suddenly interrupts...

'Hey baby, why you listening to him?'

I turn around and instead of slapping him, I gave him a punch... Not your average girly weakling punch but a proper smash, I have wanted to do that for so long! In that one punch there was all the emotion I have had stored up and all of that anger of him being a douche, dumping me and now coming up to middle earth was all packed into that punch and I'm glad it hurt him.

He starts wincing in pain and clutching his face as the nurse walks in. An elderly woman with her grey hair tied back in a tight bun and several age lines dance across her face as she scowls at Arny and snaps at him

'Don't be so pathetic, you can go'

She turns her attention to Dominic as i step back and she lifts his chin, encouraging him to turn his head side to side as she examines it, her tone suddenly changes which takes me by completely different tune.

'Uhmmm... I think you'll be fine, nothing really to worry about, just keep some ice on it and massage the muscle to reduce the bruising or at least keep it to a minimum... Alright dear, I think your safe to go'

She suddenly turns her attention to me a sternly tells me to 'take care of him' and we stand up and walk out of the nurses office and towards the tree and as i keep asking him what happened, he shakes his head at me and mutters that he will tell me later.

So after a while, I decide that its wiser to drop the subject then question him anymore instead i tangle my fingers between his fingers and I sit on the grass as he lays his head on my lap, my hands instinctively start to play with his hair.

As the girls chatter and the boys play with the rugby ball lunch seams to pass quickly and next think I know I'm in History and then RE and soon I'm stood outside college waiting for Dom. But sure enough the Queen of Tarts walks over to me with her minions. Oh B-E-A-U-ITUL! 

'So...' oh here we go,

'I hear that the new kid, Arny? Is it?' She looks at her minions for reassurance and they nod 'I hear that he is you ex... You and him? That’s a bit hard to believe isn't it?'

So I reply all I can with 'Yep and yer, he is my ex and the only thing I regret is not getting rid of him first'

The stunned looks on their faces so I take the chance to stick the knife in further and this is my opportunity as Dominic walks down the steps and towards his bike and me. He quickly mounts the bike hands me a helmet and I also mount the bike but before i put the helmet on i turn back to the clan of wannabe Kate Mosses...

'Oh and by the way you can have him' - the engine roars to life and begins to growl - 'He is the biggest asshole the world will ever know, Bonne chance slag bags'

I put my helmet on, wrap my arms around Dom's waist and we whizz away and I can hear Dominic shouting to me 'THAT WAS BETTER THEN USING YOU MIDDLE FINGER' only for me to shout back 'I'M GLAD YOU APPRECIATED IT'.

We went for fish and chips and sat in the middle of town watching people go past minding our own business and Dominic explains to me what happened.

A fight, over me, well, not exactly, apparently Arny was being 'disrespectful' about me to other people by the lockers telling them how much of a slag I am and that I'm easy going and he couldn't take it, he punched him and then it ended up in a brawl that Mrs Nars broke up the fight before any teachers could report it. 

Thank God for Mrs Nars, else Dominic would have been suspended or even expelled. 

Dom drove me back to his and we sat in his garden doing homework and chatting. We told Mr Green that Dominic had walked into a lamp post, 'I wouldn't put it past him' was his mumbled reply. I'm glad he doesn't question it else it'd be hard to explain... The whole ex-boyfriend from London coming up to middle earth and then my current boyfriend beating the shit out of him and everything else.

But as I walked home all I could think was 'I wonder what kind of evening Arny is having?' considering his recently booby trapped house by the mischievous 3...

I guess we shall see tomorrow.

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