Just Acting - Part 12

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Jordan's P.O.V

After hours of us both running around and eating crap we were tired out. It probably looked like we were drunk but I don't care.

We were both layed out on our mattresses. Sweets and popcorn were scattered on the living room floor around us, as well as plates with half eaten pieces of pizza and game controllers with headsets sat beside beanbags.

"Jordan, can I ask you something?" She asked. I sat up to look at her.

"What is it Princess?"

"Have you uh, looked at the last scene in the play?" She said, her face very concerned as she finally took her gaze from the ceiling to me.

"I just skimmed through to highlight my lines, why?"

"You know the two leads kiss at the end right?" She questioned. I just looked at her. Waiting for her to say that it was a joke and she's just messing with me.

But nothing. I got up and walked into the hall. I dug around in my school bag until I found it. I went back to my makeshift bed with my script in hand.

I flipped through the pages, getting more frantic as I went. And then I saw it;

fallin' in love with you..."

Jordan leans in and kisses Lilac. The curtains close.

End of Script.


"So, what's the problem?"

"I just wanna check that you're ok with this?" She replied.

"I mean it's just acting. A quick peck on the lips and then the curtains close."

"Alright, just thought I should ask." She said, looking back up to the ceiling before closing her eyes to relax.

"So how's the song coming?"

"Good, I still don't know why they had us both sing at the rehearsals and then turn around and say 'nah, let's just make Lilac sing'." She smirked at her comment as I laughed.

"Princess, they probably did that because you sing better than me."

Lilac's P.O.V

"Shut up Ditzy, that's not true." I replied.

He didn't say anything else. I opened my eyes to check he was still there. But instead I found him hovering above me. I leaned back into the mattress so we weren't so close. What's he doing?

"Did my sweet, lovely Princess just call me Ditzy?" He said, barely above a whisper.

I put my hands on his chest and pushed his off me so we were in a sitting position before replying,"Yeah, since you won't stop using the nickname Princess for me, you need a nickname." He looked at me confusedly.

"And you chose Ditzy because...?"

"I think it suits you!" I laughed. He was trying to look angry but you could see the smile he was fighting down.

"You can give me a stupid nickname if you want."

"Derpy!" He shouted immediately.

"Derpy and Ditzy!"


It's been a while but things are about to get crazy! I promise! I know this chapter was sorta filler but it's got a few cute moments.

I am writing this on the last day of my October break, and I didn't really write at all. And it sucks because over the summer holidays I got a tone done. But this break I was so focused on getting art done and just relaxing for once that I just sorta forgot about writing. But I'm back, just as clueless and tired as ever! Yay,

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