A Difficult Family - Part 13

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Lilac's P.O.V

I walked down the empty corridors with Jordan after rehearsals. It's half past six on a Friday and we're both exhausted.

"Well at least the week is done" Jordan said trying to justify anything.

"Yeah, but the weekend takes too long to get to and then disappears before you know it" I replied.

"True, but I was wondering what you were doing for Christmas? I know it's next week but I kept forgetting to ask?"

"Oh, my parents and I are spending Christmas over in Canada with my dad's side of the family, why?"

"Me and my parents were going to invite you over to have Christmas Eve and Christmas day with us but it's ok" He replied.

We walked out of the main gate. It's dark but the street lamps are all on as we begin to walk home.

"Well what if you guys came over to my uncle's house for Hogmanay? We're all gonna be there!"

"That'd be great, I'll ask my parents!" He said excitedly.

We waved goodbye to one another as we both went our separate ways home. I leave next Wednesday after the show but we are doing the show on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night. Granny Donna better be baking a yummy meal for us when we get off our flight because if not she's going to have an exhausted and grumpy granddaughter.

I walked into the house and my mum's recording sign was up. I went through to the kitchen and saw my dad eating at the kitchen table.

"Hey, how was school?" He asked finishing his pizza.

"Tiring. So... Where's my pizza?"

"Ummm... I may or may not have eaten it?" He replied sheepishly.

"Dad! Can I order a pizza then?"

"Ask your mother first. I'm really sorry hun but I've got a recording to get on with." He said getting up and walking to his office. About a minute later the light flashes on telling me he's started.

I went and changed before going to my mum's office. I'm not supposed to interfere unless it's absolutely necessary but I need food and she's got to feed me.

I knocked and then walked in. She seemed slightly startled but kept going with the commentary.

"Mum, dad ate my dinner so can I order a pizza?"

"I'm really sorry, can we cut this out of the recording, Lilac's needing something." She said through her headset. She muted her mic and looked at me pretty annoyed.

"Lilac, we were 5 minutes away from finishing could you not have waited?" She asked in the highest, squeaky voice she could muster.

"Mum, please can I just order something?!"

"No, I'll come down in 10 minutes and make you dinner, now leave!" She shouted at me in frustration.

I left without another word. I know it may seem bratty to ask now but they think they're so easy to live with. The simple answer is; they aren't. By far.

I see adoption fanfics their fans make all the time and they think it would be great. Most of their day is infront of a computer and my day is going out.

I was eventually called for dinner 45 minutes later. 10 minutes my ass. It was macaroni cheese. I ate it but I could tell that mum's frustration had been mixed in as it tasted bitter and was made with no care. I ate slowly for a few minutes before going to bed hungry.

I fell asleep early to the sound of my own stomach growling, as it echoed through the halls. I'm going to the Bayani's café for breakfast. At least they can cook without too much Trubble.


If I don't upload before Christmas, Merry Christmas everyone. If you don't celebrate Christmas, happy day to you. I personally celebrate Christmas despite being an atheist so I'm going to be busy.

I didn't upload any chapters for a bit because as some of you will know, I uploaded an entire book in the span of 24 hours. But I should be back to uploading whenever the fluff I feel like it! Thanks,

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