The Duo Are Back - Part 22

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Lilac's P.O.V

We phoned my parents despite my reluctancy to do so. They were so worried and immediately began looking for flights home.

We ended the call to let them start packing and Jordan put on Voltron for me before quickly driving over to his house to get a change of clothes, brush his teeth and get a phone charger etc.

We were texted quite a few hours later that there was no flight to get mum and dad home until after con. And that news seemed to only put us even further into silence.

My vision returned a couple days later. I woke to a bright bedroom. The sun was shining through the blinds so you could see the dust floating in the air. Jordan lay next to me underneath wrinkled duvet covers in only a baggy hoodie and boxers.

I looked over at the clock to find it was only half 8 so I let him sleep and went downstairs to clear up a bit.

I found the kitchen to be somewhat clean so I filled the dishwasher and set it to go as I hand washed some of the more delicate glasses.

"Hey?" Jordan questioned from the doorway of the living room when he eventually came downstairs.

"Oh hey." I smiled back, still trying to focus on the episode of Brooklyn Nine Nine I was watching. It's too early to be talking.

"Sorry I haven't been talking much but I just don't know what to say."

"It's chill. You wanna join me?"

He smiled back at me and sat down. I shifted to be leaning against him and he placed and arm around me. The duo is back.

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