Hunting Bust

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"Hey, you ready?" Donny asked as he walked toward Martin who was just outside the armory with a hunting rifle cleaning the barrel of the gun.

Martin looked up from the fun to Donny, "I'm ready, the others aren't."

"Who's all going?" Asked Donny.

Martin laughed, "Turns out alot of people want to get out and stretch for a bit." He threw his arm up and pointed his thumb back into the armory. "Check for yourself to see who's going."

"Everyone's in there?" Donny asked.

"All but you and I." Martin replied as Donny walked into the building.

Donny walked down a hallway and then into a big too full of guns and ammunition. There were seven other people in the room. Six of which were laughing.

"I'm telling you!" Benji cried. "I once went hunting and shot a ten pointed deer! Why don't you believe that?!"

"Ben, please stop. You're gonna kill Carlos of a laugh attack." Andrew cried out, he was a young man in his mid twenties with Short Brown hair and small best brown eyes.

"You have got to be kidding." Carlos cried out as he weezed in laughter, trying to catch his own breath. Carlos was a Latino man in his early thirties, he had long black hair that was beginning to grey naturally and he was on the heavier side of the spectrum. "There is no way you've ever gone hunting!"

"I have so!" Benji cried out anxiously.

"How long did it take you to get a ten pointer?" Asked Donny.

Benji turned to him, "I only hunted once, I got him with my shotgun."

"I'm sorry, I'm twenty-five years old and haven't gotten anything over an eight pointer and I've hunted every day of every deer season since I was thirteen years old. You did not get a ten pointer."

"I have the head mounted in the wall of my home, if we were nearby I'd take you to see it!" Benji called out.

"Well." Donny walked toward Benji and put his hand on his shoulder. "We can take a ride over there one of these days."

Benji's eyes widened in distraught. Donny then turned his attention to the tables full of weaponry.

"You should stop teasing the poor guy for being a fibber." Said a man in his fifties named Bill, he was a black skinned man with short grey hair which connected to his lazy grey stubbly neck beard. He was wearing denim overalls over a grey t-shirt and had a largely sized stomach.

Everyone laughed at Bill's remark towards Benji, except for Benji himself. After his joke, Bill made his way out of the room with a shotgun and a box of shells he packed into a pocket in the side of his overalls, Benji followed Bill out with a rifle angrily.

Donny then grabbed himself a pistol and a hunting rifle that was fairly simar to his own thirty-ought six that he gave his brother before leaving for New York. Then, he made his way back outside the armory.

"So are you gonna kill him?" Asked Bill.

Donny heard that and walked toward Bill who was asking Martin the question. "Kill who?" Donny asked as he got there.

Martin looked at Donny and Bill followed the same act.

"Zeke, I told him to be back here by now. He left by himself well over an hour ago and he knows that isn't allowed." Martin answered. "If he isn't back by the time we're done hunting he's in trouble. Big trouble. I'm tired if the shit he's been pulling the last week or so."

"Why can't he be out there by himself?" Donny asked.

"Because, like you've been told it's forbidden. Unless authorized. I gave him a time limit. He broke that authorization." Martin responded. "It's not to prove my dominance it's for his safety."

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