Chapter 7

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Josh's POV

I lay on my bed waiting for my tired eye's to shut when my phone begins to ring. I get up and get it; where is Tyler and his power when I need him? You know, these little things are what I miss most about Tyler being here with me...the times when my phone would ring and he'd bring it over with his power as I read his mind; him thinking cute thoughts...I fucking miss him...

"Joshie?"  I hear Ryan say.

"Wassup?"  I reply.

"Bro, come over to Gerard's house, there is a party happening tonight."  Ryan says.

"I don't know..."  I say rubbing my neck.

"This could be the last night we all have together so get your ass to Gerard's or I will personally hire a hitman to kill you."  Ryan says.

"Okay, what time?"

"In an hour, hurry up."

"Okay, bye."

"Bye Josh."  Ryan hang's up and I throw my phone on my bed.

I begin the cycle of getting ready for a party. The cycle consists of shower, teeth, clothes, saying bye to mom and leaving the house. I get into the bathroom and sigh. As the water heats up I look at myself in the mirror. I look terrible...I have lost a lot of weight since Tyler left-too much people say, I have also not been the best with alcohol; im not an alcoholic, I just find that drinking at parties are more frequent now for me. I used to have a few beers or something, but now I mostly get blackout drunk.

Tyler's POV

I wake up in a white padded room. I can't see anything but white; not even the gap between the door and I dead finally?

"You're awake." I hear a voice behind me.

I turn and see a woman dressed in white.

"Am I dead...?" I ask, clearly very confused as to why I am in a white room.

"You're very much alive Tyler." She laughs softly.

"Wha-what is this? Why am I here?" I ask.

"This is one of Columbus Mental Hospital's incarceration room's. People get put in here for numerous reasons." She smiles.

"And my reason is?" I ask.

"Danger. You are a danger to yourself so the doctors and I have decided you would be best in here for a few weeks; just so you can calm down and heal okay." She says.

"Heal?" I ask.

Her brown eyes flick to my wrist and my eyes follow.

"Shit..." I mumble.

"Yes, im afraid you went pretty deep there kid. It will take a little while to heal but in here we can check on it more." She smiles.

"With all due respect lady, I think I know how to handle my own wounds and thoughts myself; I've been doing okay without help for years now." I say as she tilts her head to the side.

"If you were coping okay for years, how come you're here Mr. Joseph?" She asks with a smirk.

What do I say to that? She is right...fuck I hate being wrong!

"You may have meals brought to you and if you need to go to the bathroom just call out; we have cameras so we will be able to know when you do. Goodnight kid." She says as she opens the once invisible door.

"Wait!" I say as she pops her head back in the door.

"Can I have a keyboard please?" I ask.

She gives me a weird look of what the fuck do you need a keyboard for?

"I like to sing and play when im bored; please?" I smirk.

"I will see what I can do." She smiles back, shutting the door.

As soon as the door is shut my smirk wipes off and real emotions settle in.

This is all your fault. If you didn't start talking to that Josh kid, you'd be fine. Blurryface mumbles from the corner of the room.

I turn sharply to see his shadow figure and beaming red eyes in the corner of the white room.

"Why are you back? I haven't heard from you in ages..." I say.

How many times to I have to tell you?! I come when you need me most.

"But I don't need you..." I say.

Yes you do. Blurry argues.

"No I don't." I argue back.





"Tyler?" I swing around as my name is called.

The woman from before is watching me carefully.

"You can have a keyboard but we will have to keep a close eye on you with it." She smiles.

I nod and smirk. She brings in a small keyboard.

"Now Tyler, it is a rare thing, to allow a patient that is in incarceration to have an object in here but for some reason Dr. Mark says to allow it under supervision so please, don't abuse his or our trust and remember, cameras are watching." She says.

I roll my eyes. Frankly, I couldn't give a shit what this bitch has to say, all I need is the keyboard.

"Is there a stand to put it on?" I ask as she puts the keyboard on the floor.

"Nope." She replies and leaves.

I walk over to the black and silver keyboard laying on the ground. As I sit cross-legged I press my index-finger on one key lightly. With a grin spread across my face I begin to play one of many songs I've written over the years.

"Im a goner, somebody catch my breath..." I sing quietly.

"Im a goner, somebody catch my breath..." I sing again a bit louder.

I sing through the song; emotion washing over me as tears fall.

"Don't let me be gone...Don't let me be gone...Don't let me be gone...Don't let me be gone..." I sing getting louder and louder.

"Don't let me be. Don't let me be!" I scream as tears fall fast down my tan face.

I keep singing songs, letting all my built up emotion out.

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