Chapter 8

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*Trigger Warning: Mention of rape*

Josh's POV

"Josh my man!" Brendon says slurring his words slightly.

I say hi to the group and slip away into the kitchen. Why is it that every time I go to a party, memories of Tyler being hurt flashes in my mind? I get to the fridge and open it to find a bottle of vodka. I take the bottle along with a six pack of beer and a bottle of tequila. I walk to the lounge are and sit on the couch opening the vodka. As I drink the burning liquid flashbacks to my last suicide attempt comes to me.


Silence. I hear nothing but the sound of the burning liquor flowing fast down my raw throat. I tilt my aching head back to get the last droplets of this poisonous drink.


I sigh as I finish the bottle of vodka in record breaking time. I put the bottle on the floor and open the tequila, taking big mouthfuls. I feel dizzy but im used to it. As I continue drinking I see many blurry figures either talking with their friends or dancing. I sigh again. Why am I like this at a party? Everyone is having fun but I just sit on a lonely couch drinking my problems away...

About an hour has gone by and I have finished the bottle of tequila, now onto my first can of beer.

"Josh?" I hear someone say.

I look around but my vision is pretty blurry. I smile; im hearing things. That's funny. I continue drinking when I hear the voice again.

"Josh, how much alcohol have you had?!" The voice seems worried...I frown.

"N-Not mu-ch" I hiccup.

"Josh stop drinking, you're gonna be sick." The worried voice stresses.

"T-Tyler? I-I missed y-you su-sugar" I slur.

"What the fuck? Josh, its Ryan not Tyler." The voice says.

I frown.

"Where-where is T-Tyler?" I ask as I begin to feel sad.

"Gone..." The voice named Ryan says.

"N-No he-he is here...he lo-loves m-e" I slur.

"He isn't here Josh..."

I stand up fast, allowing the drinks to fall onto the ground.

"Y-Yes he i-is!" I try to argue but nausea takes over my body as I rock back and forth.

My eyes widen in panic as I hold my belly groaning.

"Shit!" the voice says as I get pulled somewhere.

I get pushed fast onto my knees.

"N-No! Only Tyler g-gets blow-blowjobs!" I hiccup as I shake my pounding head.

"No dumbass, vomit!" The voice says.

"O-Oh..." I mumble as I feel another wave of nausea hit.

Suddenly and violently I throw up into the toilet. I stay hunched over as I keep vomiting.

"E-Ewww" I say shaking my head.

"That's what happens when you drink too much Josh." The voice comments.

"B-But I need m-more..." I mumble as I wipe my mouth with the back of my shaking hand.

"No Josh, you need sleep." Is the reply I get.

"Why did you drink so much?" The voice adds as I vomit again.

"T-To forg-et my p-problems." I say leaning back and wiping my mouth again.

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