11. Passionate Dance, Heartwretching Goodbye

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[A\N: Yugi's outfit is photo above, just flip the colors]


Domino Castle
December 23
5:26 PM, Main Hall

Yami nervously paced back and forth, anxiously awaiting for Yugi's arrival that evening. Tonight was going to be the night that Yami told Yugi everything -- he would tell Yugi exactly how he felt about him. Yami knew that the boy would have to leave this night, something he was dreading, but he had already been there for almost five days now, so Yami graciously asked for Yugi to spend one final evening with him before he would have to leave, despite how much Yugi didn't want to, deep down, at least. With his agreement to stay for one last evening with the dragon king, Yami had asked all the servants to spend the whole day on preparations; he wanted tonight to be perfect, not a single flaw to be made or seen. So, in preparation for tonight, Yami asked Mana to tailor him a brand new suit, one that would be fantastic while Leon and Rebecca set the dining table and prepared a large feast. Once the grand ballroom had been cleaned and polished, it had never looked more stunning or beautiful. Everything was perfect, just the way Yami had intended. Now all that was missing was the guest of honor...

Suddenly though, as Yami continued to anxiously pace back and forth, waiting in anticipation, he heard soft footsteps coming from the staircase. He quickly turned, and upon doing so, the dragon king's widened in awe at the sight before him. There, stood Yugi Motou, who was dressed in a white undershirt; a deep violet overcoat with a white design on the front; nice, violet slacks; black and violet dress shoes; and a black and violet cape on his shoulders. Yugi had never looked more handsome or beautiful than in that one moment, and he couldn't help but blush a bit when he noticed Yami's eyes on him. Now, the dragon king, however, due to his beastly size, was dressed in a white undershirt; a white ascot around his neck; a deep red and golden overcoat, the back having been a bit long; and finally, a black and red cape around his shoulders.

Yugi did feel a bit uncomfortable as he continued to make his way down the steps since he wasn't very used to formal things like this, but mostly because his mind was still reeling, both from that strange and terrifying dream, and his swirling emotions toward Yami. However, he tried not to show his discomfort as not to worry Yami, and being the gracious host as he was, the dragon king had given this suit to Yugi to wear for this special occasion. Yugi never did like fancy things very much, but didn't mind this time since Yami was kind enough in allowing him to wear this suit. Still though, that dream from the other night continued to linger in Yugi's mind. How he wanted desperately to tell Yami of it, but also knew that it would spoil the evening's mood, so he decided to just simply keep it to himself so that he could try to enjoy his final night with the dragon king.

Yami grinned as Yugi approached him, and the boy began to relax a little when the dragon king bowed toward him upon reaching the bottom of the staircase. This made Yugi grin, that upsetting vision soon leaving his train of thought as all he decided to focus on was Yami. It was then the dragon extended an out out toward the boy, who happily took it as he allowed Yami to lead him toward the dining hall.

"I am very pleased that you decided to stay a little while longer, Yugi." Yami spoke as he pulled a chair out for the boy to sit in.

"I am too. I was actually hoping that I could spend a little more time with you before I have to leave." The dragon king then gave a subtle blush at Yugi's bold statement as he sat down before seating himself across from the boy.

The two of them then began to talk as they started to dine, laughing and just simply enjoying each other's company all throughout dinner. As they talked, sharing some laughs and having a wonderful time, Yugi seemed to have forgotten all about that nightmarish dream from before, easing his mind, even if only for the time being. However, once finished with dinner, the double doors to the ballroom had suddenly opened up, surprising Yugi. The two stood from the table, Yami leading the boy through the doors and into the glorious ballroom, and Yugi couldn't hide the audible gasp in amazement he gave, the dragon king grinning again at Yugi's excitement. It was then he gently placed a hand on Yugi's hip while taking his smaller hand in the other, Yugi blushing slightly as he was pulled in toward the king. Yami could see that Yugi was both nervous and a bit bashful, especially from how he shyly stared down at his feet. Yami couldn't deny how adorable it was as Yugi gently placed his small hand on the king's shoulder, feeling nervous as ever.

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