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Well, what can I say? You've gotten under my skin.
-A. E


"This restaurant serves the best food. Like, I can't even. I just, can't."

I tried to smile at my daughter's obvious jab at the place selected by her girlfriend but couldn't find it in me. What possessed me to agree to a lunch date with my daughter and the girl that caught me with her old boss?


I sighed and looked at the menu in front of me as the words became one big blur. I really couldn't stomach food right now but since I had a shift in the next hour, it really wouldn't profit me to be on my feet eight hours straight without sufficient nutrients keeping me standing.

"What're you gonna order?"

I looked up thinking that I was to be the recipient of the question only to see Darcy's smile as she looks longingly at my daughter.

"Are you on the menu?" She asked thinking it would only be heard by the person next to her.

Can I slam my head against the table now or is that still considered immature?

Jane's giggle was almost enough to have me actually do it but I was only spared the embarrassment when the waitress came over.

"Hi, I'm Paulette, may I take your order?"

The short brunette looked to be about 27 and I felt sorry for the girl as she looked tired. She hid it well with that bright smile of hers but her eyes couldn't fool anyone. Her hair was up in a messy bun and the fitted pink dress she had on was stained with food, suggesting that she was yet to be relieved from duty.

My eyes absentmindedly travelled to her name tag before refocusing on the swell of her breasts that could be seen from the opened button of her dress and my breath hitched at the bead of sweat that was hidden there.

"And yours?"

Her light eyes brought me to the now and I cleared my throat as I randomly called an item I remembered seeing earlier. She smiles her cheeky smile before walking off and I failed in avoiding the swaying of her hips. Looking away quickly, I glanced at the other occupants at the table but they were more conscious of each other than anything else.

Restraining my eye roll, I worried my bottom lip as my eyes landed on Paulette as she wiped an empty table towards the back of the huge restaurant. At her position I could see more of her breasts and I lightly touched my neck as I noticed the deep pink of her barely concealed nipple. When my eyes travelled further up, I realized her eyes were trained on mine and I inhaled sharply as I recognized her coy smile.

Blinking quickly, I looked away just as Jane smiled at me.


"I'm just happy you're here. I almost didn't call you since I thought you'd purposely cancelled on me but Darce convinced me to and well, I'm just happy is all."

"I didn't cancel on you hon, I had to work."

"You don't have to lie to me mom, I-"

"Jane, let it go."

I looked over at her girlfriend and wondered if she did spill the beans but when she looked back at me, her expression didn't suggest so as she quickly looked away. I didn't know if she was embarrassed, angry or weirded out but as the food came over and the waitress still had her devious smile on display, I didn't ponder.

"Burger, fries and a Diet Coke for you. Chicken salad, mashed potato and kidney beans for you and-" she turned towards me, bit her lower lip and began placing the food before me. "A bowl of soup and water."

A bowl of soup and water? How the hell was that supposed to keep me through my shift.

I smiled politely and didn't miss her quick look at my lips before she smiled once more and excused herself.

"So, Carrie and Veronica have decided and Veronica is going to get inseminated on Wednesday."

"That's lovely."

"You don't have to be sarcastic mom."

"I'm genuinely happy for them. She's my niece and-"

"Who's a lesbian and married to another woman who plans on getting inseminated by the man that once slept with her wife."

Yeah, that was weird, but what could I say? I really couldn't care less at the moment. All I wanted to do was head home and relieve this sensation I was having. Me, a 40 year old woman who was still constantly craving affection in the only way that could truly give me satisfaction. It was unfortunate that my boss and I ended things because now, I was always turned on and there was only one other person who literally slept with tons of different people on a daily basis.

"Jane-" I stopped and and sighed as Darcy stared awkwardly at her food. "Lets change the subject okay."

"You said you'd try."

"And I am. But you can't doubt everything I say and give meaning to the things that I didn't even overthink."

Jane just shakes her head but stays silent as her hand is being held by her girlfriend and I just had enough. I excused myself to go freshen up, thinking it would be better to head to work early than be scolded by my own daughter.

The bathroom was empty and spacious, with a few couches placed against the far wall and I quickly washed my hands and reapplied the slight makeup I had on before sitting on one of the couches.

I hadn't been tempted to drink in a really long time but at this very second, a glass of wine sounded too inviting. Bracing my head against the couch, I sighed deeply, closing my eyes for a split second, if not to just gather my bearings. Hearing the door open, I reopened my eyes and surprise was clearly etched on my face when Paulette entered, locking the door securely behind her.


Let me know if you want me to continue leaving little sayings at the beginning or if I should just stop, cause I notice that ppl don't really care about those things...

Is it just me or like, do you guys actually read them?

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