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Just because it burns doesn't mean you're gonna die.


I watch as she passes the cops that pay her no mind and head straight towards me. My mind should have been on my brother and what he would say or do if she kissed me or done anything similar to what she normally did when I was around but instead all I could focus on was the way she stalked towards me with a purpose. The way her face showed no emotions but the darkness of her eyes betrayed her as they swarmed with a mixture of confusion, desire, anger and above all, concern. All that consumed me was the way her black leather attire clung to her in the most appealing way and how just staring at her made me want to run to and away from her all at the same time.

To my surprise and utter relief, she pulls me off the chair and into her much needed embrace. Letting out a long sigh, I morphed into her as she held me and even though I wanted to ball my eyes out, the tears had already been wasted on my piece of shit ex husband.

"Are you okay?" She asks, her eyes already taking in the scene before her and her brain putting the pieces together.

Not knowing how to even begin to answer that question, I just gave a small nod before once more wrapping my arms around her neck and allowing her hold to tighten around my waist.

Soon we had to break apart as the cops needed to question me and I anxiously looked at Ms. T who assured me with a slight nod as she stood towards the corner, not too far but far enough to give me space.

"Ms. Paige." One of the officers started, his eyes shifting quickly as he scanned me from head to toe. "I'm really sorry to have to do this and we will try to be out of your hair as soon as possible... but, there's just a few questions we'll need you to answer.

I nodded as I crossed my arms, trying to somehow further protect myself from everyone and everything around me. My hesitant eyes barely caught a movement to my left and upon turning, I saw my now stirring ex husband being carted off by the third officer.

The low groan that came from him did little to reassure me of my safety and an involuntary shiver ran through me. I spent the better part of an hour talking to the officers and watching them document and take pictures of the scene before they finally decided to leave, aided only by the loud rumblings of the sky outside.

I took up my position on the couch, knees pressed tightly to my chest as my hair served as a protective layer, cascading down my shoulders in a mad array of a tangled mess. I watch as my brother closes the door after seeing the officers out before he turned towards me. His eyes, however, are trained on the silent woman standing tall near the entrance to the kitchen and for the first time since she arrived, I finally realized that my brother didn't know who she was.

I stare at the two of them silently; my eyes first goes to her and she's as silent as ever, her eyes narrowed as she watched him with skepticism. When I dared to let my gaze travel to meet those of my twin once more, I wasn't disappointed in the expression he wore.

He clearly wanted to know who she was and why we had embraced so intimately but to my surprise he just turns towards my direction, coming over and kneeling next to me. His big hands cover mine over my knees and he presses a quick kiss to my hair, telling me he'll be back. My eyes follow his movements towards the kitchen until I could hear him fumbling with the breakfast I made and I knew he had given me privacy; at least, for a short while.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Ms. T's soft but firm voice asked, making me shiver involuntarily.

I looked over at her as she still stood towards the corner, her face expressionless as her dark eyes were trained on me.

"That's the last thing I want."

My voice was soft and shaky but she heard me as she looked towards the kitchen.


That was her only command and I find myself obeying without a second thought. I subconsciously drifted towards her and she held my hand in hers as she led me upstairs. Pushing my bedroom door open, she ushered me inside before swiftly shutting and locking it.

"My brother is here." I say as once more her eyes are on me.

"You said you didn't want to talk." Came her strict response, her dominant personality boldly shining through. "I'm just obeying."

"When have you ever obeyed?"

"When have you?"

I half smiled at her jab and she takes the few steps towards me, causing me to step back. Hitting the side of the bed, I gasped as I was suddenly lying flat, having been pushed down by her.

"We can't." I murmur, not wanting my brother to hear me.

"We can-"


"-we will."

Straddling my thighs, Ms. T pins my hands above my head as her mouth takes command of mine, silencing the protests that were beginning to develop. My mind is slowly turning to mush and as much as I wanted to focus on the fact that my twin was only one flight of stairs away, her expert mouth and experienced hands had any and every thought vanishing from my brain in an instant.

Her fingers had somehow gotten my jersey up, exposing me and they were already working on making my bosoms a taunt pair as her teeth nipped the length of my neck. My moans were barely being maintained as it was but when her hot mouth found its way to my sensitive treasure buried right between my legs, there was nothing I could do but scream her name, my hands buried in her luscious curls, forcing her closer.

Her tongue was a torture device and damn it, she knew how to make me wanton with need. Her fingers found their way into the wetness of my youth and that seemed to just add to the excitement, making me into an even bigger mess. Soon, my legs lost all functionality as a dark, uncontrollable shiver ripped through me and I bit down on my lip harshly as I tried to ease my screams.

That seemed not to work as Ms. T was relentless in making me weak and a moment later, I was a loud moaning mess as she never slowed, choosing instead to increase her mad actions. When the vibrations of my body finally decided to cease, she looked towards me; her dark eyes holding me captive as she inched her way upwards.

In no time she had found my lips and I moaned against them as she claimed my own in a very heated kiss. Pulling away only so we could breathe, Ms. T kissed her way to my ear, giving it a soft nibble. Her fingers once more invaded my now, over sensitized womanhood and I moaned as she slowly moved her fingers.


Even though it was just a whisper, I felt my body shiver and burst with renewed need at the harshness of that word causing all my thoughts to vanish as I hungrily tasted her lips. I never wanted her to stop, never wanted her to want or need another soul as she did me, in this moment. I rocked my hips against her hand and the sudden annoyance that came over me at the fact that she was still completely dressed was unfathomable.

"Please." I begged, not caring if I sounded desperate. Which in hindsight, I was. "Please."

Ms. T grabs my hands that were about to pull her top off, pressing them beside me as she displays a wicked smirk. "I promise you I'm not leaving until I consume your every thought. Until, you forget everything and everyone else... even your own name. Until you have no other choice than to admit defeat and tell me what it is I've been dying to hear."

I go to argue with her but once again she silences me with her mouth and I have no other choice but to let her.

OBEDIENT. (Book Four)Where stories live. Discover now