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You say there's nothing left to fight for cause this feels too much.


There was confusion in the hospital but somehow I sat quietly on a bench in the waiting room as everything around me seemed to be in a blur. Jane, Veronica and Darcy had been the first to arrive and even though they found us in the waiting room, my head against her chest, they ignored that as they came to me.

"Mom? Mom, oh my gosh, I thought something had happened to you. Darcy got a call saying something had happened and we needed to get here right away."

She scanned me from head to toe then proceeded to check me for marks of violence. "Did that man-"

"I'm fine sweetie-"

"Oh my gosh! Where's uncle Austin?"

I looked at Ms. T but her unwavering eyes were focused on everyone else.

"He's on his way." She responds.

"Everyone suddenly went very quiet before veronica held her tummy. Staring directly at me, I saw her eyes immediately start to swell with tears.

"Ms. Paige... where's Carr?"

Tears automatically sprang to mine and I got up as I pulled her into my arms.

"I'm so sorry sweetie." I sobbed, feeling her body shake with tears. "She was in an accident."

I heard the gasps around me but refused to focus on anything other than comforting her but that didn't stop me from noticing how Darcy was watching Ms. T and I.

"She was in an accident?" Veronica sobbed brokenly, her voice a mumbled mess against my shoulders. "How? I-I don't understand. We spoke on the phone a little while ago and she was held up at work because of the storm. What happened?"

"She lost control of her car and it flipped, pinning her inside and she was there for a while before someone found her and called the cops."

"But she's supposed to be at work."

"She wasn't. She was headed home."

"I told her-" Veronica stopped and pulled away from me as she started to pace. "I told her it was okay. That she should stay and be safe. She promised she'd listen... she promised she'd stay."


"It's our anniversary. Today's the day we became girlfriends and she wanted to make it home to celebrate." Veronica sobbed.

"I know-" Jane cut in, going over to her and trying to somehow offer comfort.

"No! You don't. Today was also the day Anthony attacked both of us. Today was also the day she was hospitalized and I thought I lost her. That was why I told her to stay! That was why I begged her because as much as it was the best day of my life it also ended in tragedy and she knew this! She-"

Veronica broke down and I pulled her against me, allowing her to cry as she had no words left. My heart went out to her as we all knew that day. It was engraved into our minds and I willed myself to stay strong for them. For her.

"Where is she now?" Jane asked, trying to cut through the silence even though Veronica's sobs were loud and heart wrenching.

"She's in surgery." I murmur.

Veronica couldn't hold herself up any longer and I struggled to hold her as she almost fell to the floor. Ms. T immediately came to my rescue as she held both of us before taking Veronica from me and leading her to one of the vacant chairs. Jane hurriedly went to get some water for her and I stood with my arms wrapped around myself as my thoughts were filled with my brother and what he would be going through yet again.

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