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Another kind of silence. The silence of love, where no words need to be spoken, because the eyes say enough.
-Lillian Linton


This shouldn't be happening again.

I literally got rid of a house full of my family and now, at 6pm, I was about to head into Black Panther because Ms. T told me so.

Can my life suck anymore at the moment?

"ID and membership card." The door guy asked and I inwardly groaned as life scooped up another load of dung to dump on me.

"I don't have a card but I do have my ID." I try to say sweetly, twirling my loose curls as I smiled up at the big guy.

"No membership, no entry."

He turned his attention to the people behind me and as they sidestepped I couldn't stop the frustrated groan that slipped out.

"Yeah but you see." I cut in, stepping back in line. "I know the owners... well, one of them anyway, and she invited me here. Just go ask her."

"Lady, imma kindly ask you to step aside and let me do my job or I'll have to forcefully remove you."

Groaning out loud, I did what the big black guy said and none too kindly stomped to the sideline. Whatever happened to the other guy that worked the door, Bruce or something? Were all their staff new?

Pulling my coat closer to my body to shield me against the cold, bitter night, I braced the dirty wall of the club as the loiterers smoked their illegal drugs near me. The one day I leave my phone home. Ugh!

"Ms. Paige?"

Closing my eyes, I tried to imagine any other voice than the one currently calling my name.

"Ms. Paige? Oh my gosh, it is you. What're you doing standing outside?" Darcy asked and I faked a smile.

"Ah, I left something with Ms. T and I just came to get it but that stupid black guy... I mean, bouncer... wouldn't let me in."

"Ah, yeah. That stupid black guy would be Ted, he works at the main door and Bruce works at the door to the upstairs club." She responds and I didn't miss the slight change in attitude as she said that. "But come on, I'll let you in."

"Wait a minute. What're you doing here? I thought you quit."

"I did."

That's all I got before she started walking and I rolled my eyes but knew I deserved it; after all, she's black too. Walking quickly behind her, I watched as she just greeted the bouncer with a head nod before he stepped aside for us and I childishly wanted to stick my tongue out at him. As soon as we stepped onto the elevator and arrived a few stories up I noticed the drastic change from the bar on the ground floor with its loud music and drunk people having a ball, to up here where there were loud men and women drunk on sex and torture.

"I'll show you to her room." Is all she says as she continues her walk, ignoring everyone around her, which I found very difficult to do.

I had never seen the club so packed and the heavy stench of sex and sweat and other fluids was heavy in the air making me feel oddly excited and that was enough to gross me out.

Darcy had her head held high and for the first time since coming in here, I realized her entire posture had changed. She looked more in command and a bit taller and even though she was clad in a tight pair of black jeans, black sneakers and a white tee, she still somehow made me feel as though she was in 6" heels and a chemise. With that horrible thought now plaguing my mind, I tried to focus on the people around me and not at the newly reemerged dominatrix.  

"She's with some clients so you'll have to wait until she's done. I'm guessing you don't have a problem seeing her work?"

Darcy stops, hand on handle as she waits on my response. We had gone up a flight of stairs to a much quieter setting but I couldn't ignore the muffled sounds coming from the closed door that I'm sure would be ten times louder.

"I'm good."

Pushing the door open, I was assaulted once again by the stench of sex but it was a pleasant change from loud moans and groans from over 90 people to just this small setting.

"She's towards the back."

Darcy turns so I can enter but I pull her before closing the door. "Hey, I just wanna talk to you for a quick sec."

"I'm not working here." She deadpanned.

"No, it's not that. Am... I just." I cleared my throat as she looked at me expectantly. "I'm just... sorry about the way I treated you before. I didn't want to accept that my life was changing and I didn't want to think about the possibility of Janie getting hurt because of you."

"Why would you think I'd ever hurt her? I love her."

"And I know that now. That's why I'm so sorry. I let people in my life and situations in my past cloud my present judgement and you didn't deserve that. None of you did. And although I'm not 100% for this relationship, I love my daughter too much to see her unhappy."

"Thanks." She responds sarcastically and although I want to react to her rudeness I had to understand that she was just going off of the old us. The us that hated each other.

I might not totally like her but hatred was now off the table. I half smiled at her before she walked away and left me to face the woman on the other side of the door all by myself. Well here goes nothing.

As soon as I reopened the door, I was hit once more by its aroma and I subconsciously took a deep breath to calm myself which in term made me feel worse. Sucking up my feelings and trying to get my racing heart under control, I began the slow walk towards the furthest part of the club to where Ms. T was supposedly at.

As soon as my eyes landed on her I somehow forgot how to breathe. She was completely naked and her smooth chocolate skin seemed to glisten with the sweat that her body was creating. She sat atop a beautiful brunette, her head thrown back and one hand wrapped around the young woman's neck. One leg strung over her slim shoulder as her womanhood rode the life out of the woman who, was moaning the house down.

Like a magnet, Ms. T turns towards my direction and her heat filled dark chocolate eyes holds me in place. My nipples start to harden as her gaze somehow intensifies and I worry my bottom lip as she closes her eyes, allowing the orgasm to take both of them out of this world.

My first instinct was to get jealous and flip out because she was kissing another woman, touching another woman and creating the same mind blowing pleasures that only I was supposed to experience. Common sense was the only thing that stopped me since I was the one that told her the morning after the first time she rocked my world that it was nothing more than a physical and sexual attraction and I had the inability to actually love another woman.

There was no way on this lush green earth that I would turn back on that vow and I took a deep breath before releasing it, in a mad attempt of easing my wild thoughts. Luckily for me they shared a brief kiss, still too long and intimate for me but whatever, before Ms. T pulls on her robe and allows the short brunette to curl up into a ball and I presume, sleep.

"Follow me." Is all I'm told as she begins to walk and I reluctantly obeyed. We passed through the door right at the back and I breathe in the fresh, clean air as she leads me up yet another flight of stairs.

Being stuck behind her and knowing she was completely naked beneath the robe, caused my eyes to become glued to the swaying of her perfectly rounded ass that I only became aware we were in her private quarters when she slammed the door shut and faced me. I was now in perfect view of her breasts and the pointed perky tips were almost boring holes through the robe.

My eyes shot up to hers as she advanced closer and without thinking, I stepped back. Without warning, I felt the back of a bed and my body immediately went down. In a flash the robe was gone and my mouth was attacked as she literally pinned me down with her body.

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