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If love asks a question, do not deceive,
For the truth is the answer, I only believe.
If my heart should open, love do not fear,
Or if my eyes in happiness shed a tear.
Let the wind in my soul blow you away,
And the sun in my heart brighten your day.
If love and life I was asked to compare,
Both of these with you I wish to share.


There was a fire in her eyes that I had long thought distinguished as she accepted my spoken dare and I smirked as her hands boldly cupped my ass as she pulled me in for a deep kiss.

I hadn't been able to touch her or have her touch me in months and my need for her grew to an insatiable need as our tongues fought for dominance.

Though the battle was short lived, Justine didn't seem to mind as she put her hands, specifically her fingers, to better use.

I wanted to applaud her bravery and boldness as the inside of me was being
tormented by one hand whilst the other ensured my dark tips stayed erect.

Not wanting to wait any longer, I stripped her from her attire until all that I could see and touch was her soft porcelain skin.

"You're so beautiful." I whisper as I ran my fingers across her body, earning me shivers and biting of lips.

Without having to be told, I spread her legs apart and got on my knees before getting to work. She tasted just as good as the last time and I tried to force my tongue as far as humanly possible if only to get her legs quaking and her hands messing my already messy hair.

Soon, I felt the familiar touch of her soft hands in my hair as she clenched around my touch and I heard her moan my name as she came crashing down from her first high.

I wanted to explore every inch of her and that was exactly what I was going to do.

Standing up, I pulled her towards me for a kiss and she wasted no time in tasting her sweet essence trapped on my lips. My hands roamed every inch of her sexually aware body while my teeth left marks of violence in its wake and my body was getting more and more anxious for what was to come.

Placing her gently onto the floor, I watched as Justine's nipples tightened to erect peaks as the coldness of the tiles registered to her body. Her legs were already spread apart as she waited on me and I kissed her moist middle before sliding my fingers inside her.

With slow, precise movements, I worked up a rhythm. Never breaking eye contact, I touched my breasts as Justine struggled to not cum.

"That's right baby, wait for me."

Taking her right leg, I lifted it so that it pressed against my shoulder before spreading my pussy lips and pressing it flush against her waiting ones.

It was wet and hot and we both couldn't contain our cries as we started to move. Within a minute Justine was already meeting her climax but I knew her body well enough to know she could come as often as she liked without getting tired.

That day, I took her slow...

I took her fast...

I made love slow...

I made love fast...

We both said things we were yet to comprehend and did things that not even pornstars would attempt to do.

In the span of 8 hours we had made love in every part of the house and we probably wouldn't have stopped if sleep hadn't consumed us.

When we had awoken the next morning, we had somehow made it to the bedroom floor and she had be wrapped up in my arms as we both cuddled naked.

That morning was the first of many that she woke me with a surprise and I had decided that her head between my legs was my new aesthetic.

"What are you thinking about?" Justine asks as she comes out of the shower wrapped in one of my towels.

"That sexy little body of yours." I respond, pulling her to me and stripping her of the one thing that hid her body.

Justine giggles and I use her distraction to throw her onto the bed so that I  could get on top.

"We're gonna be late for the baby shower." She protests as I inch my way between her legs.

"That. Can. Wait." I cut in, kissing her clit with each word spoken. " I wanna see how long it takes you to cum."

"Denise." Justine whines and I smirk.

"I love it when you call my name."

"I'm being serious. We're already half an hour late-"

"Exactly. We're already late so there's no point in rushing."


"Can't you just stop fighting and be obedient?"


Without waiting for her response, I let my tongue do all the negotiating as I slipped it inside her. It seemed to do the trick because her hands were in my hair in no time as her lips called my name...

My real name.

Nothing ever sounded so good coming from the woman that loves you and even if we had to arrive at that shower two minutes before it was over, I wasn't going to leave this bedroom until neither one of us had any fuck left in us.

She was finally mine and I would spend eternity showing her how right a decision that was.

"I love you Denise." Came her broken, sex filled voice.



Yeah, so I got bored and had major writer's block and so I decided to end the series on this note and with this happy ending.

I hope you guys enjoyed the series and had as much fun reading it as I did procrastinating.

Leave a comment as to what your favourite quotes, lines, chapters or paragraphs were and which book was your favourite so I can read and smile in reminiscence.

Thank you once again for putting up with me and waiting patiently on my updates.

S. Mindy.

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