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It's hard to hold onto hope, hope hurts... maybe tomorrow will be better.
-Stefan Salvatore


Midnight is finally upon us and I sighed loudly as I sat back in the staff lounge; my shoes kicked off and feet cocked high on the sofa nearest me. Running a hand through my freed hair, I groaned aloud as my body finally relaxed for the first time since getting to work.

"Damn I've missed seeing you like this."

I shot up in my seat, taking my feet down as my boss, the dean of medicine, walked in.

"Mr. Mahoney! I... I didn't realize you were still here."

"Mr Mahoney?" He mimicked, taking the seat near me. "Are we back to formal callings now?"


"We fucked. It was intense, and now we've moved on. We're adults and there is no shame in that."

"I know."

"Good." He smiles at me before standing and walking towards the door. "For a second there I thought you were avoiding me."

"I wasn't."

"Then I'll see you tomorrow." He finishes.

"It's my day off."

He stops but doesn't turn around and I think he's about to say something but he changes his mind as he walks away, the door swinging shut behind him. The ringing of my cell pulls me to the now and I hastily look for the small device, catching it on the last ring.


"Hey Justine, sorry for calling so late but I was in the neighborhood and was wondering if I could crash at your place for a few?"

"Of course Austin. You're my brother and we both know it's Craig's place."

"Yeah but he gave you the house before he died so technically, it's yours."

"Whatever, just... come over. I'm getting off work now so I'll probably be home by two or so."

"See you then."

The phone goes dead as he hung up and I slipped it into my purse before too, heading out of the hospital. My car was still at the repair shop and I thought I'd have to catch the bus home but as I walked through the emergency door Trent was just saying goodbye to one of the other doctors and waiting on me to catch up to him.

"You stalking me now?" I joked.

"Funny, real funny." He chuckles before offering me a ride home.

We both head to his car in silent and I didn't know why I felt nervous being alone with him since we literally slept together but that still didn't stop my heart rate from kicking up a notch as he sped towards my house.

"You're unusually quiet."

"I guess I'm just tired. Long day and all."

"Even when you're tired, you still talk to me."

"Then I guess I don't know what to say."

I'm thankful that my house comes into view and as he pulls into the corner, my hand is already on the handle.

"Hey, wait a minute. What's with the rush?"

"I'm really tired and-"

"I know, it's just that... what're you doing on your day off tomorrow?"


"Because... maybe you'd like to catch a movie or something? Maybe dinner?"

OBEDIENT. (Book Four)Where stories live. Discover now