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If you can stop looking at me as if I'm wounded, then I can quit acting like it and maybe we will have a shot at being friends.
-A. E



I heard a distant voice calling my name and I mumbled something in reply that I'm yet to comprehend but when that same voice called my name a second time my reality kicked in and I shot up from the bed my head was currently resting on only for it to connect with the chin of my boss, causing both of us to cry out in pain.

Trent held his chin as he shot a curse my way and I held my head as it felt like it just collided with a brick wall.

"Aw." I groaned, looking up at him. "Really Trent? You stand over me and not expect a reaction like this?"

"I didn't want you to wake her." He quietly snapped.

"She's resting."

"Yeah, from surgery. She needs all the rest she can get and given the fact that her dad just left her side to go home we don't want him to sue us cause his daughter woke because of loud talking and stuff."

"You're making no sense." I snapped back as clearly he was fumbling to find a reason for being so close to me.

"Well... you-"

"Really Trent. You were smelling me weren't you." I once again cut in. We both knew he had a sick obsession with a woman's scent, especially mine and I raised an eyebrow as he was caught in the act.


"You're a sick man, you know that." I jokingly stated and he smirked before shoving his hands in his pants pockets.

"Oh whatever. Are you done babysitting or is your job no longer important to you?"

"I'm on a break."

"Hospitals don't have breaks."

"I'm leaving now."


He puts his hand in mine and I stare up at him. "What?"

"I just wanna know if you're okay."


"She's going to be fine. Surgery was the only thing you had to worry about and she pulled through yesterday. She's just resting now and she'll definitely be awake before the end of the night. So I know she's not the one you're thinking about.


"It's that woman isn't it?"


"Your friend...."


"The same one you were kissing the other morning."

"You saw?"

"Everyone saw."

"It's... complicated."

"I never knew you were into those things."

"I'm not."

He looked at me with scepticism. "Is your whole family gay?"


"Is your brother gay?"

"That's enough!"

"I'm not tryna be a dick, I just... I was just curious."

OBEDIENT. (Book Four)Where stories live. Discover now