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Missing you comes in waves.
Tonight I'm drowning.


The weather seemed to always have a mind of its own and constantly changing from rain to sun to torture. I groaned as I ran across the empty street towards the busy hospital, clinging onto my coat that was harshly being flung for a whirlwind by the crazy ever changing winds.

My car was yet to be picked up from the repair shop and I vaguely wondered how I would get home at midnight since Austin was supposed to be traveling home around that time. As soon as I entered the building, the chaos outside had somehow increased tenfold inside and I barely had a second to pull off my coat before I was being whisked away by persons in need of me.

The night seemed to drag on yet I felt like I was at the hospital for hours and the increasing thunderstorm was only making things worse. We had a range of people with minor injuries to people who's cars got wrapped around posts pinning them down and I felt exhausted after my 6 hours were up.

Two more to go. I thought, finally having a moment to myself and sitting in an abandoned wheelchair close to the emergency entrance.

My eyes probably closed for a second before those same doors were slammed open and about five people came rushing in with a bloodied person on a stretcher. I shot to my feet while four other hospital personnel rushed to meet them but as I got closer I froze, unable to focus on anything around me other than the young girl lying on the stretcher.

"Carol?" I asked quietly, although no one heard me or paid attention to me.

One second she was in front of me, eyes closed and looking completely still while one of the paramedic sat pressing on her chest and the next, she was being whisked away. I was numb all over and didn't snap out of my trance until Trent was standing in front of me shaking my shoulders.

"Hey?! You okay?" He asks softly, his voice filled with concern.

"Am... I think... I think that was my niece."

I knew it was my niece and I knew I should be freaking out right now, but instead, I was totally calm and it freaked me out. I still couldn't react to anything and I just watched as Trent's expression changed to confusion.

"Your niece?... and you're just standing here? Are you okay? Do you need something? Water? A chair?"

"I... I don't know."

He takes me by the hand and leads me to the front desk where a middle aged woman is busy taking calls and talks to her. I'm yet to hear what he says but I stare at the patients littering the ground floor as I have no idea what to do or how to feel.

"Okay, so I'll go find out what's going on. Call your family and let them know what's happening and I'll let some other nurse take over your shift for right now."

He looks at me expectantly but as I remain silent and just stare at him, he gently touches my shoulder and comes closer to me.

"Hey, everything is gonna be okay. Let me just go find out what's going on and I promise I'll come right back. Are you sure you'll be fine for a few minutes?"

I nod my head and he squeezes my shoulder before walking away. Panic starts to slowly creep its way inside of me and I wanted to pull him back just so he could be near me. Many things flashed across my mind and the direness of the situation finally sank in causing me to once again plop back into the closest wheelchair.

I knew I had to call my brother but how could I break the news to him while he's on his drive home? He was already dealing with enough crap from his wife and I just didn't want to lay this on him. He's stronger than Craig but how much stronger?

Where was Veronica?

My mind immediately went to her wife and only the worse things floated through. She was pregnant and she wasn't rushed in. I tried to push down my hyperventilation as I pulled my cell out and with shaky hands, started to dial.


I momentarily froze as I heard that familiar British accent and I almost said wrong number and hung up since I didn't want her to be dragged into this, but instead of me doing just that, I broke down and said I needed her.

Ten minutes later and I was wrapped protectively in her hands as I balled my eyes out. It wasn't even confirmed that Carol was the girl on the stretcher, Trent wasn't back yet and I still hadn't called anyone but I just felt so overwhelmed with the long day I had and the scare of seeing what I assumed was my only niece, my brother's only child, that I just had to be held, even just for a little while.

"I'm here, you're okay." She murmurs as she allows me to cry against her neck.

Maybe it was a few minutes after, maybe it was an hour, I couldn't tell but when I had finally calmed, I saw Trent coming down the hall and his face said it all. I wanted to cry all over again but the squeeze from Ms. T's soft hand somehow caused me not to. Taking a deep breath I waited until he came and he gestured for us to go into the nurses quarters.

"Did you call your family?" He begins and I realized I still hadn't. I go once more to freak out but was interrupted.

"I'll call them." Ms. T answered and I looked at her, greatful.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name."

"I'm just a friend, but as I said, I'll call them." She turns to me, scanning me from head to toe before turning to him and doing the same. "Why don't I let you guys converse as I call them. Justine... your phone."

Without thinking I give it to her and she nods before walking out. Trent looks like he wants to ask questions but refrains and instead, sits on the edge of a desk that's pushed against a wall as I sit on one of the chairs.

"What happened?" I ask, wishing Ms. T was here but toughing it out at the same time.

"The girl they brought in is Carol Paige. She was caught in the thunderstorm on her way home from work and was stuck in her car for over four hours. The car sped off the road and upturned, pinning her but she was already unconscious. She sustained head injuries among others and her right leg is broken. She also has internal bleeding and so she's in emergency surgery."

"Her condition?" I asked, fooling even myself at my quiet calmness even though all I wanted to do was throw up and die.



Short but needed to update.

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