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If you love me for what you see, only your eyes would be in love with me.
If you love me for what you've heard, then you would love me for my words. If you love my heart and mind, then you'd love me for all that I'm.
But if you don't love my every flaw, then you mustn't love me, not at all.


I don't know how long we sat there, in the middle of a semi crowded hospital after midnight. At some point during my breakdown, Ms. T had somehow managed to get me from the floor to the closest seat and I had curled myself into a ball as I cried myself to sleep.

When I woke, I found myself lying on the couch in the waiting room as Darcy and Ms. T talked in hushed tones near the wall opposite me next to Carol's door. It was agape and I could see Veronica sitting on the bed besides her wife as my brother sat on the bedside chair. Carol was still unconscious and as I checked my wrist watch, the time showed me it was after two in the morning.

"You're awake." Ms. T says as she comes towards me.

"Yea. Why are you still here? You know you didn't have to stay. I know you have the club and-"

"It's okay love. I wanted to stay. Make sure everything was alright and that you were alright... Are you alright?"

"Um... better." I sit up and pat the seat next to me and I'm greatful as she takes it.

Resting my head on her shoulder, I inhale deeply before releasing, getting the most of her scent and wallowing in it. It meant a lot to me to have her here and although I knew she had stuff to do, I just didn't want to stomach having her leave me again. Especially since Austin was on a war path.

I looked into the small room but he was preoccupied as he held the hand of his daughter that wasn't currently in Veronica's.

"I'm glad that you're still here." I murmur as I interlock our fingers and I smile as she rubs her thumb against my hand.

"There's no where else I'd rather be."

"Not even with your husband?"

It was a stupid question to ask, I know, but she was indeed married and although she said I was a client, she still didn't need to be with me every time I called. She's never once called because she needed me and I couldn't help but wonder if I was a burden to her. Maybe she just wanted to be with her husband but I was burdening her with all my problems and she felt obligated to be here.

She uses her free hand to pull at my chin so we're eye to eye. "I promise you that in this second and for the next few hours... there's no where else I'd rather be than with you, here, now, in my arms, kissing you like this."

Her lips gently connects with mine in a soft kiss and I moaned as I unlinked our fingers, putting them to better use as I slipped them into her hair. My heart was racing and it should have been from the mad display of PDA but all I could think about was finding an empty room and having her distract me from the horror that was my reality.

She goes to pull away from me but I thighten my grip on her hair and she moans before pulling them loose. Groaning, I try to pull her in once more but her words confused me enough to halt my actions.

"Yes Darcy?"

I stare at her as she literally just mumbled another girl's name and my daughter's girl no less before she breaks eye contact and turns away from me only for me to realize that Darcy was standing in front of us with Jane trying to look anywhere but at me.

"Sorry." I mumble, shame overtaking me.

"It's totally okay mom. We just wanted to say we're leaving. I have a job interview in a few hours that I need to sleep for and Darcy... well, I guess she has one too?"

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