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He ran his hands over my past, lingering over the dents and worn edges of my heart and when I thought he'd run away like the others, he told that I was a warrior and I never had to face another battle alone.


I was finally in my bed.

I can't remember the last time I was home long enough to take a nap but as I watched the sun rise, I morphed against my bed, allowing the beauty of sleep to take me. By the time I woke I was well rested and my afternoon felt a whole lot better with the knowledge that I had two days home from work.

Taking a quick shower, I pulled on the first dress I saw before heading downstairs to make a late lunch. My twin should be visiting his daughter since she was up and her physical therapy was due to start in another few days.

I was too lazy to cook actual food and instead settled on the quick makings of a sandwich and salad before settling in front of my tv. I was due to watch some re-runs of Criminal Minds and I threw open my windows before getting comfortable on the couch.

Barely an hour into my show and I had to get up to answer the door as someone viciously banged outside. Groaning, I placed my empty bowl on the coffee table as I headed over.


"We need to talk." Is all she says as she barges in. The expression on her face anything but happy.

Sure, come on in.

Closing the door behind her I patiently waited while she paced my living room, trying and failing each time to turn her thoughts into words. Finally she looks at me as I sat down and I stared at her, not in the least intimidated.

If Ms. T sent her instead of actually coming to me then she'd be sorely mistaken if she thought I'd just listen to her and come running along.

"David is abusing her."

"What?" I asked shocked, not expecting those to be the words coming out of her mouth and being unable to process them.

"Ms. T's husband, he's abusing her."


"I saw it with my own eyes. After you left he came to her and said some pretty nasty things before-"

"You saw me?"


"Did you hear what we were talking about?"

"That's besides the point. She's stuck in an abusive marriage and if anyone should understand that it should be you."

My response was shattered at her statement and I knew my eyebrows were etched into my hairline as I stared at her bold remark.

"I don't understand what you want me to do. I'm the last person you should be seeing, the police being the first."

"I would go to the police if Ms. T wasn't being such a hard ass but she's pretending that it never happened and if anyone can get through to her it'd be you."

"You said you were eveasdroping so you should know that we aren't on the same page right now."

"She'll listen to you. Trust me. All you have to do is go talk to her... please. She helps everyone else and now that the situation is reversed, she needs us to help her even if it's just to try to convince her to leave him."

OBEDIENT. (Book Four)Where stories live. Discover now