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It is better to regret something that you do than to regret something that you don't do... so here is me... regretting you.
-A. E


"Ms. T I presume?" Paulette asks as we arrived at my car.

I pressed my palms against the hood and leant over, trying to somehow gather my bearing but failing nonetheless.

"She's the one that took your soul, isn't she?"


Stopping, I ran both hands through my disheveled hair, closing my eyes and trying to clear the fog in my brain.

"It's okay, I know how-"

"Let's not talk. I really don't want to talk." I murmured as I made a bold decision to pull her against me and silence any and all conversations of Ms. T.

Paulette didn't seem to have any problems with it because the next few moments were spent doing every other thing that didn't involve talking.




What a terrible word.

What a terrible feeling.

I had plenty of it and no way of expressing them. I didn't want to head back upstairs because I was never the type to take my anger out on a client. I always had to be in control, always had to keep a clear head when dealing with disobedience and being angry was never the right emotion when punishing someone.

Sighing loudly, I braced the wall she just vacated and released my hands from the fists they had formed.

I was mad, I knew that. She had convinced me this life wasn't for her and I was okay with that because I was her first and I was made to believe that I was her only. Now I knew that wasn't true. The blatant display of hickeys on her neck made me all too aware that she allowed another woman to hold and experience the parts of her that only I knew.

She allowed another woman to hear her moan, to watch how she came undone and to see the afterglow of the beauty that was her.

I wanted to scream, I wanted to punch a wall...

I wanted to find her and make her mine...

But all those were just wants. And in this life, we never got what we wanted.

"If I were to waste breath making a guess as to why you look the way you do, I'd say you just got dumped."

I looked up to see the man I called my husband headed towards me and I suppressed the need to fall apart as he came to a stop in front of me.

"What do you want David?"

"Isn't it obvious? You. I've always wanted you."

He pulls me closer to him but I pressed my hands against his chest as I honestly wasn't in the mood.


"Pleading? From the high and mighty Denise? I'm surprised. You had so much resistance."

"David, please, I'm not in the mood."

"For your own husband?! You can whore yourself out for these people but can't even please me. All this beauty and a non-existent heart."

He slips his hands between my knee length cardigan and I tense as he smirked. "I can always count on you being naked, after all, whores don't wear clothing. Bad for business, right?!"

OBEDIENT. (Book Four)Where stories live. Discover now