| Post Break-Up
"That's bullshit Jimin, Taemin is just as much of a responsibility for me, as he is yours, he's our son, not just yours."
-Two Years later- or so Jimin comes back to get help in some way, but ends up in the claws of Yoongi himself.
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+Journal 1
I moved back to Busan away from the love of my life. I loved him so much, I thought we would be together forever but that crap is fake there is no such thing as love.
Yoongi forced me, while I was drunk off my ass, and he just sat there and watched me leave... why didn't he try to stop me. That hurt me a lot even more then his actions, was I not worth keeping? Was I just a pastime to him? I hate him so much, but I can't truly hate him he was my first love, the man I stood alongside through thick and thin, but that was the last straw. I think I snapped. I trusted him too much.
I shouldn't blame him it's not his fault, I might have been very demanding, but I just don't know right now. I'm lost and broken.
I kinda have good and bad news. Im now 9 weeks pregnant, bad being I'm alone in this. I've thought about aborting it but I came to the conclusion; that I shouldn't punish someone that hadn't even set foot into this world yet. Who am I to take away a life? My conscience was telling me to keep it as a way to keep Yoongi close to me, not physically, but spiritually, I still love that god forsaken soul.
I even decided to move, I was really alone and needed a hand. I just can't go back to Yoongi. Nonetheless I still sent a letter to the man telling him about the new information and a sonogram. Im not sure if he got it yet, I didn't get a response back. Or maybe he doesn't want anything to do with it.
+Journal 2
Someone actually helped me, like actually helped me, they got me in contact with my childhood friend Kim Taehyung. I finally reached out to him, and he accepted me unlike some people and helped me with everything that happened.
Taehyung gave me a purpose in life, he gave it meaning. I don't love him, but I love him you know what I mean, platonically. I just can't thank him enough, without him where would I be?
I finally delivered my baby, it was a boy, he was the best thing that happened to me. I couldn't stop crying he looked so much like Yoongi and he was so small and fragile in my arms.
I only wish the best for my little baby.
I named him Taemin, because I wanted it to be a way to thank Taehyung for all the support he gave me, so I combined his name with Yoongi's surname.
I had to give my child a piece of his father no matter what. I can't be cruel to him. I don't want to start off on the wrong foot with him. Even though he won't be able to see his father he will have a part of him, subtracting the facial features that resemble Yoongi.
+Journal 3
I'm finally writing in here again... I've been so busy with Taemin who's been keeping me up on my feet 24/7.
Basically Taemin now was 3 months and Taehyung decided to tell me about him moving to America. Apparently he was getting married to his boyfriend of 4 years, Jeon Jungguk.
Don't get me wrong I'm happy for him, he even invited me to the wedding, I refused obviously. I didn't have that sorta luxury on me. I have a child to look after.
Life sucks like always.
][🥂][Love Sugar][🥂][
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