| Post Break-Up
"That's bullshit Jimin, Taemin is just as much of a responsibility for me, as he is yours, he's our son, not just yours."
-Two Years later- or so Jimin comes back to get help in some way, but ends up in the claws of Yoongi himself.
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+Jimin's POV
A horrible pounding spread through out my head, making me groan in pain. I tried to open my eyes but it felt like my energy was all drain, the effort to even move was too much for me to bare.
I was having a little difficultly trying to breathe, but something was helping me intake oxygen easier, which was a relief to me.
"Jimin?" A ruff, sleepy voice spoke out, cutting off my thoughts. Who was that? I tried to open my eyes again, which kind of worked, however my sight was hazy and unfocused. I blinked a couple of times to get rid of the blurriness that shielded my sight.
Finally getting a hold of my vision I turned my head over a little to my left, to steal a glance at the main source the sound was being emitted from.
My eyes caught the slowly focusing figure of a man sitting with puffy, teary, bloodshot, eyes staring at me worrisome.
"Yoongi-" I spoke softly, though it hurt, my throat felt dry, and scratchy making it feel like a desert.
The figure I identified as Yoongi quickly jolted up to stand, moving towards the table next to my bed...
Wait a minute this isn't my bed. Where am I? What happened?
I tried to sit up, out of feeling pure uneasiness. I winced at my movements before I could complete the task. I felt the warmth of a hand being placed on the small of my back, helping me to sit. I glanced over at the boy next to, holding out a glass of water.
"Here drink up," Yoongi whispers calmly. With shaky hands I tried to grip the room temperature glass. Yoongi getting the hint, helped ease the glass to my lips, letting me drink down the content. I never knew how thirsty I was until I ended up emptying two whole cups.
Yoongi retrieved back to sitting on the chair beside my bed; again where the fuck am I? I laid back down feeling drained of energy.
"W-what happened?" I finally croaked out, coming out more as a whimpering sound of pain. Yoongi gently held my hand trying to comfort me, but I had a feeling he wanted to keep me in close distance; something must of happened.
What happened on Sunday morning? The only thing coming to mind was waking up, going to make breakfast, there was no food so I had to run out then I came back home... I flinched from the memory re-entering my mind; no it couldn't be true. My mind must be playing tricks on me. I didn't even notice the tears leaving my eyes as I pulled away from Yoongi's hand.
I looked at him with a broken heart, an invisible force starting to weigh down on me.
"Y-Yoongi why?" I stuttered. As I looked at him waiting for some kind of response.
"Jimin answer my question first, how long have you been suffering? I really don't want to believe the doctor, I just-" Yoongi started to tear up at this point letting his emotions free, as he leaned his forehead against the palms of his hands.
I felt guilty somehow, was it even my fault? Maybe I was trying to hide it from him, but what was the use of that, he was going to find out one way or another.
"I don't think I need to explain anything to you." I said facing away to stare at the plain looking wall, instead.
"Jimin please stop being stubborn, this is important, just- just talk to me. You can hate me all you want after, please." Yoongi pleaded tightening his grip on my hand. I sighed and glanced over at him.
"I'm sorry Yoongi but...I'm dying ok, there I said it happy?" I blurted out on the verge of tears. Yoongi looked surprised and hurt at my outburst.
"Jimin there's nothing to be happy about, your fucking dying and you didn't think to tell me?" Yoongi harshly said, a little irritated. I scoffed at him disbelief running through my mind.
"Yoongi just go away you don't need to trouble yourself with me, if you have no interest, you don't need to pity me. I get it I'm not enough for you, if you think I'm holding you back just think as of now, I finally let you go, okay?" I tiredly voiced out on the blink of sleep.
I felt the grip of Yoongi's warm comfort evaporate from my skin. When did he even grab a hold of my hand again? I glanced at his hunched over position clearly motionless, as he's frozen mid way from brushing through his hair, tugging at it. Only thing indicating he was alive was the odd breathing pattern.
"Yoongi? Why aren't you leaving?" I acquired, feeling uncomfortable. Yoongi finally brushed through his hair, then straightened up to look at me with glassy eyes.
"I'm sorry-" he hiccuped, standing to leave. It broke my heart seeing him like this, were we not enough for each other? I can't keep dragging him along through my problems he doesn't deserve that, he deserves to be loved and cherish just like every living thing. I'm not the one to play that role in his life though, it might as well be someone else. I turned to face away from him shutting my eyes not wanting to cry.
I never heard the door open or close, curiously I squinted my eyes towards the door to see Yoongi's back towards me.
"Yoongi?" I called out confused. The boy turned around to face me, as he made his way back to me.
"Look Jimin we need to talk, like we did before. We can't go on like this." Yoongi tried to reason.
"I don't know Yoongi." I said uncertainty, feeling a little uncomfortable.
"You know if we don't talk then we will just get stuck in a web of lies, you can't deny that. We can a least try to lift a little weight off our shoulders?" Yoongi argued. He's right in a way we should just talk.
"Fine, then talk."
][🥂][Love Jazmin][🥂][
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