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-Third POV-

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-Third POV-

Even though the boy was stood in place for a good few seconds. Yoongi did end up running. He made the right choice in following the boy, who'd ran away from the awful sight, he had to witness.

Yoongi knew he had to stop Jimin no matter what, for fucks sake he needed that boy in his life to able to stay sane. Jimin was the only one anchoring him to reality. The only one who could make him smile and feel things that nobody in the world could. Jimin was the glue that was holding him together in this life.

Yoongi started to run with all his might not stopping to take a breath, even though he needed it so badly. His body just seemed to be on autopilot at that moment. The thought of how Jimin had the energy to run all the way to the park, crossed his mind. He knew a matter of fact that going to the park took a good 20 minutes, and he was pretty sure that was the only place Jimin would have ran to, since the boy visited it so many times a week.

On the note of knowing Jimin so well, he knew the boy rarely exercised for some odd reason. These thoughts gave Yoongi extra energy that he never knew he had.

He wanted to so badly to hold Jimin in his arms right now, and explain himself, to be able to bring back the boy to his sassy and happy self again.

Was that too much to ask?

Yoongi ran like his life depended on it, which it did in some ways. He had made it to the park, the only problem was, Jimin. Where was he?

He pantingly looked around observing his surroundings. When he saw it, the boy he was looking for, he sighed in relief with a small smile. But for some reason there was something off about how Jimin was slowing down, he noticed the way Jimin was swaying a little to the side like he was losing his footing.

Yoongi's worry level spiked up to a 1000%. He quickly ran towards the boy calling out for him, but no response was made, it was like his pleading calls fell on deaf ears.

When Yoongi got about 2 meters away from Jimin, from the side view he had, he saw the boy's body slowly going senseless, and his eyes becoming droopy. He knew what was going to happen Jimin was on the verge of losing consciousness.

Which caused something to snap in Yoongi, making him launch forward to catch the limp boy before he hit the concrete path.

Luckily, he caught Jimin before he could hit the hard pavement. With a sadden heart, Yoongi gradually moved down to a sitting position on the ground, holding the boy against him, like if he loosened his grip just a little, Jimin would slip away from him, forever.

Tears started to breakout from his tear ducts flowing down his pale cheeks, landing on the unconscious boy's face, who laid in his warm embrace.

This was all his fault, if he had just told Aera to leave when he first saw her, none of this would have happened.

"JIMIN!!" Yoongi yelled at the top of his lungs, sobbing loudly.

][🥂][Love Jazmin][🥂][

][🥂][Love Jazmin][🥂][

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