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Do you trust me?

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Do you trust me?

The words kept repeating in my mind over and over.

Do I really trust him, can I even trust him?


Am I just overthinking things again


I have to trust him, for all I know I might not have enough time to find someone to take Taemin, who better can it be then his own father. I quickly started typing.


Yeh I trust you

Yoongi: Oh thank god for second I thought, you might think I'm just some stranger

Haha no I was just looking over at Taemin for a minute
I trust u

Yoongi: I see but even if u don't know me well we can get too know each other if u like?

Oh that would be great we can go for coffee or something

Yoongi: That sounds great I think you should get some rest and I should start working 😁

Tru Gn

Yoongi: Good Night 👋

Read 11:33

I turned off my phone and placed it on my crappy looking night stand. I turned over to actually look at my son, who was sleeping calmly on his side. I smiled at him, as I reached over and started to cresses his chubby cheek gently, not wanting him to wake up.

Why did thinks have to turn out this way. I never wanted to see that mans face again, I didn't want my son to grow up knowing anything about his father.

I know I might sound selfish, but he doesn't need him, he's got me by his side. But sadly I have to leave him sooner then I thought. Now he needs to know his father. He's the only family he has that's blood related.

Before I knew it I noticed the sheet below me darken it's color, I swiftly moved my hand over to my face noticing I started to cry. I grabbed the corner of my sleeve and wiped away my tears.

Tomorrow I have to go meet Min Yoongi.


I was standing in the middle of a pitch black void enclosed by darkness there was no light around. It was just nothing.

Suddenly I felt something grip my hand, I turned to look down to see my son, holding my hand tightly while he looked up at me giggling a little, I smiled back at him. Finally finding my hope and light.

But then a door opened a few meters away from us as light shone in. A dark silhouette stood there for a second before moving forward, towards me. That's what I thought when he instead walked in front of Taemin and squatted down to meet his eyes. I couldn't see who he was from all the darkness.

But what broke my heart was how Taemin released his tight grip on my hand to only hold onto the strangers, and smile at him instead, then they both walked away towards the same open door leaving me behind. Even though I saw all this happen, I couldn't move a muscle no matter how much I tried, it was like I was glued to the ground. I stood there still, slowly tearing up. My light left me.


I woke up startled, thoughts of being left behind scared me. I scanned over to look at my son who was now cuddled to my side, drooling a little. I brushed through his hair trying to calm myself. The dream more like nightmare kept coming back to me. Who was that man he seemed familiar in some way but, I couldn't put my finger on it. If thought hard enough I'll probably get it but I didn't want to waste my time dwelling on it.

I turned around to check the time on my phone, which displayed 8:45. I thought it was about time to get up so I lazily got up remembering not to wake my son up anytime soon. I stumbled my way to the washroom, to refresh myself with a warm shower.

Finally when I was done I took my morning pills, which were placed next to my bedside table. After I removed my towel that hugged around my neck perfectly, to which I tossled my wet hair around to get it to dry.

Finally becoming bored, I decided to take my phone out from the charger and scroll through the daily news maybe finding a job or something.

Finally, I landed on a good job advertisement that was hiring. I smiled to myself, proud to find something that was meant for me.

Now I just need to notify Yoongi so maybe he could take in Taemin.


Hey are you busy?
Oh u might be sleeping
Wait I should stop typing
I must be annoying...

Yoongi is typing ...

Yoongi: Oh sorry I was taking a shower
What do u mean ur annoying? ur perfectly fine I find ur presences entertaining

Sorry I just thinking weird things
I was wondering if I can drop Taemin at ur place I finally found a job that suits me well.. and well yeah

Yoongi: Of course I would love to hang out with that little cutie! Bring him over anytime I'll be here, also here's where I live... (random ass address)

Omg thank you so much
I'll be coming soon to drop him off I'll also be giving his baby bag everything he needs is in there and again thanks so much

][🥂][Love Sugar][🥂][

][🥂][Love Sugar][🥂][

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