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"Where's his mom?"

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"Where's his mom?"

Seriously, is that the only question you can ask at this moment. Wow I'm amazed Min Yoongi, I'm mentally slow clapping for you. What am I suppose to answer now?

"Oh um.." I started trying to get out something to him. Giving him a stern glare as well which he probably didn't see. He quickly looked away from me placing his hands on each side of his knees and leaned forward.

"Sorry, don't answer it, it isn't my business." He said softly. I kept my eyes on him studying his actions. Damn he seems a little too nice, and more so... understanding.

"No it's fine." I said trying to keep my cool through gridded teeth. He looked up and gave me a sweet smile. Why is he acting like this to me?

"It was nice meeting you Park, Jimin. But I have to get that kid to my sister. I'll be leaving if you don't mind." He peered at me while standing up to face the scenery ahead.

"Oh yeh, I have to go as well, didn't even notice the time." I replied, taking a quick look at my phone.

"Hey, sorry if it's too much but..."

"Go on." I demand a little curious.

"Can I get your number?" He blurted out straightforwardly. I looked at him puzzled. Then it hit me what he asked. He wanted my number? As in he wanted to keep in contact with me? Without thinking I answered.

"Sure, why not? Won't hurt to have a new friend." I said handing over my phone in my hand. Wait what are you doing Jimin? Fuck it's too late to change your mind now.

"Thank you so much I really needed a new friend." He said a little up beat. What does he even mean by need a new friend? What is he a loner like me, I thought giggling to myself.

I smiled at him, even though he couldn't see it. I don't know what got into me, to even place my phone in his beautiful veiny hand. Wait what am I thinking I need to get my shit together. The only thing that matters in my life is Taemin, that's all.

][🥂][Love Sugar][🥂][

][🥂][Love Sugar][🥂][

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