| Post Break-Up
"That's bullshit Jimin, Taemin is just as much of a responsibility for me, as he is yours, he's our son, not just yours."
-Two Years later- or so Jimin comes back to get help in some way, but ends up in the claws of Yoongi himself.
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I laid on my bed staring up at the ceiling, thinking about someone that I've been trying to forget. He gave me his number, which was great and all but does he go around giving his number to everyone he meets or something?
But, he's different now the way he talks, the way he looks and acts. Whats going on with him? He isn't acting like and distance fool anymore. He has more of mature aura around him now.
My thoughts were cut short, as my phone vibrated, indicting a notification. I turned over to look at the ID, which came out to be unknown user. It was a text so I decided to check it.
Unknown: Hey is this Park Jimin?
Yes Who is this?
Unknown: It's me Min Yoongi, remember from the park
Oh you scared me for a moment
Set Unknown to Yoongi
Yoongi: Oh sorry about that I didn't mean to scare you
Don't mind me I'm just very introverted and don't talk with people much so I was confused who would text me
Yoongi: Oh it's fine But what are you up to if you don't mind me asking
Nothing much just about to sleep since Taemin fell asleep
Yoongi: Oh that cutie I'll love to see him again
Typing ... Well dah you want to see him he looks like yo|
Typing ...
Oh I would love to bring him out sometime for u to meet again
Yoongi: Maybe we can meet at the park or something
Yeh that would be great
Yoongi: I have to get back to work
But it's like 11:30pm what work r u doing this late?
Yoongi: I'm working on producing music I work from home so I usually work late
Oh that makes sense but shouldn't u work during the day so u can sleep
Yoongi: Oh it seems like someone cares about me 😏
What no I was just worried that you might stress urself out or something
Yoongi: Nah it's find I'm just teasing but thx for worrying about me Hey do you not work or something?
Oh I um... I'm planning on getting a job but I can't seem to find a babysitter for Taemin.
Yoongi: Oh but there's many daycares that are open
But like I don't just want to leave Taemin with random peopleI don't know I have trust issues
Yoongi: I see where ur coming from I wouldn't trust anyone with my own child either
Yoongi: How about this since I'm usually free during the days you can leave him with me? Do you trust me?
][🥂][Love Sugar][🥂][
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