| Post Break-Up
"That's bullshit Jimin, Taemin is just as much of a responsibility for me, as he is yours, he's our son, not just yours."
-Two Years later- or so Jimin comes back to get help in some way, but ends up in the claws of Yoongi himself.
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-Yoongi POV-
The door bell had just went off, while I was sitting on the sofa, trying to watch a show. I arose to go fetch the door, with my sluggish moves, since I'm obviously so excited to meet my sister. However, I had realized that it could have been Jimin, so with a gummy smile I rushed to the door. I quickly opened the door, as my smile dropped into a frown.
"Yoona?" I sighed out more as a question than a statement.
"Hey bitch, I'm here. Now move let me in! Ji hug your uncle Yoongs!" Yoona replied pushing me aside and walking into my house as if she owns it. I rolled my eyes at her actions then turned to look down at the shy 3 year old standing still. The boy then faced up to look at me with his big sparkling eyes. I smiled at him to make him feel safe in my presence, because I have no idea what lies my sister is feeding this innocent soul.
"Hey Ji." I said, ruffling his soft locks. He returned the smile before wrapping his small arms around my waist.
"H-hi uncle Yoong." The kid stuttered. I smiled down at the cute kid, ruffling his hair again.
"Go on, follow your-so-called mother, kid." I helped guide the kid in towards the living room. I then turned back to the door to close it. I started to walk towards the living room. When my sister decided to yell from across the living room.
"Hey Yoongs! Leave the door open my friend's still coming she ran back to the car to grab something." I groaned and made my way back to open the door. As I reached the handle a knock on the door was heard. Before I opened the door I suddenly remembered Jimin, so I turned back to my sister with my hand still on the door knob.
"I'll let her in, but I have to step out for a bit so care to watch Taemin for me please, he's sleeping in my room." I yelled loud enough for her to hear me.
"Cool bitch. I got him!" She replied. I rolled my eyes at her poor vocabulary. There's a fucking child in the room not to mention the one sleeping at the moment. How can she even mentally be a parent? I think her kid is more mature than she will ever be, tsk.
I then turned back and grasp the door knob rotating it open. My eyes looked up at the person on the other side. Shock invades my system, as my eyes widened. I kinda was hoping it was another friend, not this so called cockroach.
"Aera?" I spoke carelessly, and kind of annoyed.
"Hey Yoongi, long time no see." Aera said full of cheeriness.
"Yeh sure- what are you doing here anyways?" I asked getting to the point.
"Well I came to see you, since it's been forever and I kinda wanted to talk." She says with a little hint of seriousness. Then she stepped into my house, closing the door behind her. She stood a few centimetres in front of me. I felt uncomfortable so I took a step back to distance myself from the clingy idiot.
"Well I don't, so just do me a favour and stay the fuck away from me, and you better not do anything to provoke me to tell my sister everything you did to me. I'm only keeping it from her because I love her too much to see her lose someone she trusts." I sternly voiced out, glaring daggers at her.
"Oh Yoongs, I thought you were smart. You've gotten me all wrong. I have no interest in your family matters, ever since you threw me out of your life I had time to think, and so far I came up with a great conclusion. I Kim Aera don't give a damn about your sisters happiness, actually, I never did since I met her. All I ever wanted was you, and if being best friends with the closest person to you was the only way to get to you, so be it. So go on and tell her it's not like you live with her I'm never going to see her." She bluntly replied. Looking at me with an unreadable expression. My temper started to boil in anger.
"You bitch! Do you not have any shame? How are you even considered a human being? No way in hell will I willing love such an ass in my life. Screw off and never step foot in my house or Yoona's ever again." I said in a harsh whisper not wanting to grab the attention of my family inside.
"How dare you look down on me, like you are any better. I will not leave this place until I destroy your happiness Min Yoongi. When I get my signal from a friend of mine, I'll rip your heart out so bad that you'll never heal from it again." She pointed threateningly at me. Who does this idiot think she is? I never knew I was going to regret not listening to her words.
"Yeh sure and I'm Hades, ruler of Hell!" I scoffed as I rolled my eyes in distaste. I wasn't going to fall into this witche's trap.
"Now please get out of my face!" I said sternly. Aera looked at me with a smirk like my words had no effect on her.
"Oh Yoonie, you are so going to regret those words you just fed me." She sassily said with a viscous smile. I moved away from her a bit feeling confused as she takes a step towards me. What is going on in that empty ass head of hers?
"Aera stay away from me." I said unimpressed at her snarky movements. She chuckled ignoring my words, as she took steps closer to me and placing a delicate hand on my chest. Right as I was about to speak up against her, her phone dings distracting her for a bit as she moved to check it swiftly. After a quick glance she moved so fast towards me, I didn't even have the time to react as she locks me into a forced kiss. My eyes widen, as I then tried to move from her tight hands gripping my face her nails digging into my skin, but it was no use.
I kept my teeth's clenched together denying her any entrance that she was trying to force. This was so far the worst kiss I have ever had in my life, I felt so disgusted.
I was about to push her away again, ignoring the nails digging past the first layer of my skin, but it was like my body wouldn't respond to my command. I lost the hope to move as my sight began to become blurry with tears building up. I felt so pathetic that a girl like her could use me like this, and I can't do anything about it.
The front door creaks open revealing the one I love with all my heart, standing there with shocked face. As a tear runs down my cheek, this isn't suppose to happen. I wasn't suppose to hurt him ever again, I promised him, I promised. Why, just why can't I ever do anything right, why am I always losing every battle.
No! I have to do something, with all the strength I could muster, not giving two shits if I hurt anyone. I pushed Aera away from me few seconds after the front door smacked shut.
Sum up>>
- Yoona, Yoongi's sister comes to visit
- Aera tags along
-Aera very bad a big no no
-Jimin is still out
-Aera was only friends with Yoona because she liked Yoongi
-When phone dings someone was outside waiting for Jimin to return
-Aera is a weirdo who pays someone to spy on Yoongi that's how she knew Jimin was gone
-Aera forces Yoongi to kiss her
-Jimin sees dun da daaa that's it
][🥂][Love Jazmin][🥂][
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