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"He's in a critical state, right now. He won't be able to go home anytime soon. We need to monitor him, closely." The doctor stated professionally as possible, standing stiffly in front of the motionless boy. The doctor shortly walked away re-entering the emergency unit. The boy jolted awake from his trance plummeting down, onto his knees, for they felt like jelly. Emotionless, that's what he bared, he didn't know what to think, or what to do. He knew this was going to happen, but he never knew it would happen so fast, and worst of all, right before his eyes.

One thing he was sure of that, he was in no way prepared to accept this reality. The boy had no one to turn too, no one to comfort him, no one to hold him close and whisper soothing words to him. The only one that he wanted right now was the love of his life, who was sadly laying on a hospital bed.

"Yoongi!" A voice called out from the distance, and the clicking of heels were heard as they got closer. It came to a halt beside the boy who was still kneeling on the ground, broken.

"Oh, Yoongi." The voice softly spoke, as she kneeled next to the boy, bringing his head to rest on her chest as she caressed his hair, trying to calm the boy down. Trying to bring him back to reality.

"Make it stop please Noona, it hurts." The boy mumbled brokenly, against her chest.

"Shh, everything will be alright ok?" She answered back trying to comfort the boy, even though she knew everything was starting to fall apart. She just wished she had the power to fix everything and make her brother smile once again. She wanted him to finally be happy alongside his family, like she was. She felt so horrible that she got to live in happiness, while her brother bathed in misery all his life. When he finally was happy, it just had too slowly be drained away from him, and all she could do was watch it happen, her hands being tied behind her.

"No its not!" The boy exclaimed, pushing the girl away harshly onto the cold tiled floor.

"Yoongi..." She gently muttered, a little shocked.

"Don't you see whats happening! He's laying in there dying right before my eyes! And I can't even do anything! Why is this world so cruel, why does this always have to happen to the people that did nothing wrong. JUST WHY!" Yoongi cried out. Breaking down onto the ground, wanting it to just swallow him whole. Yoona stared at the boy speechless she didn't know what to do. What was she suppose to do in this kind of situation anyways? She didn't want to give her brother false hope telling him everything will just be fine.

She just sat there watching her brother break down, right before her eyes, as tears started to blur her vision. She felt so useless and hurt at that moment. Nothing could compare to the feeling she felt then, not even the day Yoongi told her about Aera, the girl she had trusted all her life.

+One Month Later

Yoongi was locked up in his room, not moving an inch. He was lost in thoughts, trying to think beyond the situation he's trapped in, but every thought of his lead him back to his miserable life.

He cried so much that he ran out of tears. His eyes were dry and blood shot red. His cheeks were stained by the tears from days before. He made no effort to move and get cleaned up, he had no motivation left.

Suddenly, his phone started to light up and vibrate by his side. He, like before had no intention to pick it up. He sat there staring straight ahead. Apparently the phone kept ringing over and over, never having an end to it. Yoongi finally moved his head to his right glancing over at the vibrating device sitting upon the nightstand. He reached out with a lazy hand, grabbing the phone. The phone stopped ringing by the time it was in his grasp. But like before it started to ring again. Not looking at the screen, he slid his thumb across it accepting the call, bringing it up to his ear, listening to the voice on the other side.

"Hello?" Yoongi spoke out with a raspy voice, sounding like he hasn't talked in years his mouth being dry, making his voice sound rough.

"Hello Mr. Min, this is the hospital speaking, we are calling to inform you, that Mr. Park urgently requested in seeing you. Please come immediately he needs you right now." The women spoke fast, leaving no time for the information to sink in for the boy. The call was cut off shortly. Leaving it beeping in Yoongi's veiny grip. Yoongi sat there blank for a good minute or two, trying to let the information soak in. When it finally hit him Yoongi wasted no time moving up onto his feet. He rushed out of his room, pocketing his phone in the process.

The only thing that ran through his mind was, that Jimin needed him right now, nothing at that moment mattered to him, not even the black and white future that awaited ahead.

Making his way to the hospital at 8:00pm at night was not an easy task. Cars were scattered across the roads driving at the speed limit. Yoongi not getting that idea, drove as fast as he could, surprisingly, not being stopped once.

He safely made it to the hospital unharmed, which was a miracle. A drive that should of taken 25 minutes, took him 10 instead.

Yoongi was standing in front of the hospital room, trying to catch his breathe, but he was only standing there for one reason, excluding the lack of oxygen.

He was afraid.

][🥂][Love Jazmin][🥂][

][🥂][Love Jazmin][🥂][

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