Chapter 30

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chapter 30.

[Natsu and Lucy are now 20 years old and have a two year old waiting for them to come home]

Natsu's pov

me and lucy get out of moms car and we were outside Mavis's house. with eight year old august standing by the door with his mother and my two year old daughter in mavis's arms with a thumb in her mouth waiting for us to exit the car. me and lucy quickly came out and ran to our daughter who jumped down from mavis's arms and quickly ran into mine and i picked her up and spun her around and we had a little family cuddle just me Lucy and our Nashi.

'mommie an daddy' she cheered making us laugh and we all cuddled together.


two weeks from mine and Lucy coming back home, mom and dad threw a welcome home party. litually everyone came. we have Gajeel and Levy, Cobra and kinnana with their three year old son. Rogue and Kargora with their three year old also, suprisingly still together. Lissanna and Bixlow and their child who is best friends with Nashi. which is cute. since i'm 20 now it's strange, next year, i'll be older than Zeref which is freaky but at least he gets to look young forever.

'YO NATSU!' i heard a familier voice shout my name and it was the raven haired fool Gray himself and Juvia who i heard from a little bird (LUCY) he knocked up as soon as they left the rehab castle. me and Lucy went and greeted them and they look so much more happier now that they are out of that castle even though the castle was nice, we all really wanted to be home.

'oh my god gray feels like forever!' i cheered and we acted like a couple of goofs fist bumping high fiving just playing around, like teenage boys which was making eveyone laugh. 'and juvia, how are ya?' i said giving her a massive hug and she hugged me back.

'i'm feeling great. now that i am due in the next nine months' she said and i chuckled hugging her again. then out of nowhere levy comes running up to her giving the couple the biggest hug in the world. this feels like a school reunion litually. the only people missing were....

'HEY, YOU FORGETING ME!' thats when we all froze and saw a certain blue haired man with a tattoo on his face and a very knocked up red head with a gold band around her finger which reminds me of something i have to do later.

'JELLALL ERZAAAAAAAAA!' we all cheered making them laugh and everyone else laugh. we all had a massive group hug. oh the rehab sqaud is back.

'mommy and daddy silly' we all heard nashi laugh hysterically which made us all laugh.

hours later the party is still going on but i needed to take lucy somewhere quiet and just us alone because i had something really important to ask her. you should already know after mine and judes convosation, i waited till we are 20 because i want to be more mature and learn more in mine and Lucy's relationship.

i took her to the field where it all started. it was a lovely starry night and just so peacful and relaxing. 'it's so lovely here' she said holding my hand as we walked in the middle of the field. 'is thi syou rold hang out' she asked and i chuckled pretending to tie my shoe lace as i let her wonder around the center of the field.

'heh, yeah you could say that, it used to be my brothers hangout too' i said and she giggled.

'it's so beautiful here. i love the stars, they look so magical' she still has these magic imaginations. it's cute really.

'yeah me too' i replied walking behind her.

'you just love the staaarrrs don't you' lucy laughed and i just blushed with embarissment.

'yeah yeah, whatever' i said then laughing and lucy just burst out laughing. i then waited on one knee and waitied for her to turn around and when she did she was shocked but had a smile.


'Lucy Heartfilia, the last thing i was doing in rehab after making cat model named happy, i created a ring. it's not the best ring in the world ebcause it was made by me, but thats what gives it more character, more love, more happiness. although your father did buy a diamond for it but the rest was all me. what i am saying lucy is i really love you. we have a daughter and a family who care for us and absolutly adore you...i may not be the smartest and i can get angry pretty quickly but that anger is only when my family is in danger, and i'm just dumb but i'm not dumb enough to say i have met th emost beautiful woman with big brown eyes the blondest hair which makes me fall in love so much. and i want to spend th erest of my life with you, because i love you lucy' as i looked at my girfriend she was in tears but smiling.

'Natsu, to me you are the most handsome, smartest, protective guy in the world. we have a baby who i believe is a mirical child and you make my life better everyday and i will answer once you ask the question' she said blushing and i litually just realised i made a speech without asking the question.

'okay sorry...Lucy Heartfilia, will you marry me?'

'yes natsu i would love to marry you' she cried and i got up and put the ring on her finger and kissed her.

'i love you so much' i said and she smiled back as i wiped her tears of her cheeks gently.

'i love you too'

obviously we went back to the house and announced that we are now fiances. we celerbrated another party.

me and Lucy got married on 31 august. i had so many best men, my nefew August being the most important one.

Gray and Juvia had their baby on the 12 of febuary.

Jellal and Erza had their baby a month after mine and lucy's wedding.

another two years later Gajeel and Levy are happily wih a family.

Mavis fell in love finally. she still visits us obviously, well actually mom and dad see this guy as a son pretty much, he's a great guy called Mikhael. he's really nice, i sort of see him as a brother too, he's really funny. and he's great with august. although the kids made it pretty clear that Zeref will be hi sonly father but he still accepts him in a way.

me and lucy live out of the country like what Gajeel and Levy have but we are in different countries. we have another baby boy called luke.

and we could say we all have a great life

i guess i could thank the castle on the hill


the end 


its over. 

i love this story so much, it's my favourite. 

i'm gonna publish more chapters of fairytail ever after tomorrow and then continue with survive. 

i hope you liked this story. 

i loved re-reading whilst i published. 

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