Chapter 1

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Chapter one

[natsu is six years old and zeref is 13]

i follow my brother to the field with his gand of friends because i want to be just like him and them, they seem so cool. the other day Zeref showed me what he borrowed from the store, i asked if he stole it but he just laughed and said no, but i don't believe it because it was empty the next moring. he's only thirteen and he acts like he's thirty. i'm only six but i want to act 16.

Zerefs pov

'ZEREF!' i look out across the field and see my little brother running towards us.

'NAH, ZEREF, why would you bring your little pest brother along' Larcade moaned and i just rolled my eyes.

'i didn't, he follows me everywhere' i moaned back and slowly walked up to my out of breath brother. 'NATSU!, stop following me' i snapped and he just looked at me scared.

'but i want to be just like you' i looked at him seriously and worried now but, i had to do something otherwise they'll hurt me. i pulled a evil smile and then turned my head starting to laugh.

'You hear that guys, he wants to be just like us' i joked making them laugh and natsu looking sad. my friends then came closer to me as if we were ganging up on Natsu. 'well natsu if you want to be like us, you need to be-'

'TOUGH' larcade shouted making him jump which was funny but mean. they all said their single words one by one scaring natsu and it was my turn to walk infront of him taking my pocket knife out putting it towards his face.

'and fearless' i whispered evilly and we started to chase him away and the kid ran far beyond the field. is stopped the guys and we were all laughing and got back to what we were doing.

Natsu's pov

quick run, just run don't look back. i run into the woods trying to get away but i trip onto a large log making my leg snap. i screamed loud in pain but obviously no one could hear me.

Zerefs pov

me and my gang were having a great laugh until i hear a loud scream. 'AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' it sounded like natsu.

'guys did you hear that?' i asked and everyone looked at me strange.

'no what?' i guess it's just my hearing.

'it sounded like a scream'

'you getting scared zeref?' Larcade teased and i just rolled my eyes shaking my head.

'course not, i ju- i just think it's natsu' i said.

'look that baby ran off home, for all i know, he's fine' Larcade answered and i just looked at him and the gang.

'you know what guys, i have curfew and knowing natsu he'll probrably snitch on me, and my parents punishments arn't exactly the nicest things in the world, i'll see ya tomorrow' i said running.

'ZEREF!' i heard them all shout in unison but i just ran to my brother hoping he's okay.

Natsu's pov

i'm scared, alone, about to die. my leg hurts too much, i want to get up and walk but i can't. Just stuck on the dirt and just close my eyes and sleep.

'Natsu!, Natsu!' i heard zerefs worried voice and it must be a dream because he doesn't love me like a brother, he never has. 'NATSU!'

'zeref' i muffled and cried on the dirt. he can't hear me.

'Na-' he stopped and i could hear his feet crash and crunch the leaves around me. 'you idiot, why would you run through the log?' is he crying?, i'm sorry zeref. he went searching for a long stick and he quickly ran back.

[the scarf is zerefs in this story] 

'here you go natsu' zeref said and levled a stick on my broken leg. 'now something to tie it with' he thought and he looked at me with his blackened eyes and smiled. he took his white scarf off and wrapped it around my small leg so it looked like a cast. he helped me up and we both went back home.


'WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU TWO BEE- NATSU!' mom panicked when she saw my leg covered in the scarf. 'zeref what happened?'

'i-i-i wa-'

'i ran away from home and tripped until zeref found me' i saved my brother again from getting in trouble, i don't like it when he gets in trouble with mom and dad.

'yeah i found him unconsious in the forest' zeref wasn't lying but i was awake the entire time.

'well i'll take natsu to the hospital, you better stay here' my mom spoke in her strick voice and zeref just went to his room and she took me to the hospital. 


hope you guys liked the chapter. 

be prepeared to have a tissue whislt reading this story because i think i made it quite sad. 

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