sixteen - Best Day / Worst Day

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Dan lies sleeping next to me as I sit next to him, propped on my bed, reading "The Fault In Our Stars", with my glasses on the brim of my nose.

Phil walks into my room, and at first he notices me and opens his mouth for good morning, but then he notices a shirtless Dan lying next to me, his hair ruffled in all kinds of directions.

"What the fuck Fiona!" Phil harshly whispers, not attempting to wake his friend up.

I bookmark my book and set it aside, pushing up my glasses, "What?"

He violently thrusts his hands between me and Dan, "What do you mean 'what'? Fiona, he just broke up with his girlfriend, damn it, I thought you were better than this!"

I roll my eyes, pushing my hair out of my face, "Phil, I did not sleep with Dan in that way, Dan was upset over Savvy and needed someone to talk to, and I was there. He ended up sleeping in here. I am not like that, you and the family raised me better."

Phil sighs a sigh of relief before walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me, "I know you wouldn't do something like that Fiona," he mutters, kissing my forehead. "I just...I don't know about Dan. He's lonely without Savanna, I think he'll want a girl to fill her place. Just - just don't let him take you for granted, okay?"

I smile, "Dan's not like that, either, Phil, but okay," I kiss his cheek. "Now get out of my room."

He sticks his tongue out at me, hugging me and walking out the door, closing it behind him.

I carefully get out of bed, instantly slipping on the hardwood floor, sleeping in my socks wasn't the best idea. I land on my bottom, my book falling on top of me, and then I hear a groan, and the squeaking of the mattress springs as Dan blinks his eyes open.

"Sorry," I mutter, standing up and rubbing my head, placing my book back on the nightstand.

Dan yawns, rubs his eyes, and smirks at me, "Clumsy little you. Morning Fiona."

"Morning Dan."

"What did Phil say about the," he motions between us. "Sleeping together?"

"He said 'what the fuck' and then I explained, and he was fine with it," I answer, pushing my hair out of my face again, only for it to flop back down, itching my face.

Dan nodded, "So...breakfast?"

"Breakfast," I agree.

Dan stands up and begins to stretch, and my eyes linger on him longer then they should've.

"I'm going to put a shirt on, meet you in the kitchen," Dan states, walking out of my room.

"You don't have to do that," I respond with a stupid grin, to which I hear Dan scoff at, and I'm satisfied.

It's nice to have Dan back.

I skip with glee into the kitchen and notice Phil left out two bowls for Dan and I, and a green Post-It note with Phil's sloppy fast handwriting.

'had to go somewhere, be back soon, sincerely Phil ^_^' 

"Dan!" I shout. "Phil went somewhere, it's just you and me!"

He responds with an 'okay' and I grab a box of Lucky Charms, and pick out all of the marsh mellows. 

I sit in front of the TV and flick through the channels until Dan comes back. Sadly, with a shirt. He grabs the remaining bowl and the Lucky Charms, dumping them into his bowl.

"Fiona," Dan groans. "Did you take out the marsh mellows?"

I hold my bowl up as a response and he groans louder.

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