nineteen - America

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My alarm goes off for me at 5 AM, and I groan rather loudly before remembering I should be quiet and grabbing a piece of paper and a Sharpie. 

I write a quick note before sighing and placing my suitcase onto the ground in front of the door and walking quietly to Phil's room, followed by Dan's, just watching them sleep. I felt so bad just leaving without them knowing.

But I convince myself that I just need to get away for a while, and that this is for a good reason.

This is for a good reason. 

I inhale sharply as I grab a bottle of water and place the note on the couch and exiting my flat. 

I call Cat, knowing that it's around 9 or 10 where she is right now. She picks up on the third ring, "Hey girly!"

"Hi Cat, um...I'm just leaving the flat now, thought you should know," I mutter, waiting for a bus while rocking back and forth on my heels. 

"That's awesome! Okay, see you in a few," Cat says, and hangs up the phone. 

My phone is then clutched tightly by my fists as I try not to start crying as the bus pulls up. 

I quickly get on and pay before walking to the far back of the bus where no one can see me, and I begin to let go all that I've been holding back. 


After the 11 hour flight, it would be 5 in the afternoon in London, which worries me because I know Dan and Phil are long awake and worried now, and it's 9 in the morning in California. 

I text Cat that I've arrived, and look through the things that Dan and Phil have sent me.

Dan ; 7 voicemails, 12 texts, 9 missed calls

Phil ; 13 voicemails, 29 texts, 21 missed calls 

I felt horrible, but I was not going to call them, no, they'd call again, and I'd answer. 

I will answer when Dan or Phil call me.  

"Fi!" Cat cries out before she's crushed into a tight hug. 

I feel another pair of arms wrap around me and look up, seeing Joey grinning at me. I smile back and hugs the both of them, "Hello guys." 

"This was a sudden surprise, why are you here?" Joey asks. 

I sigh, "Want to talk about it over Starbucks? It's pretty long story." 

Cat nods, and just after she finishes, my phone starts ringing it's obnoxiously loud chant of "So light em' up, up, up, light em' up, up, up, light em' up, up up, I'm on fire!" And I answer after seeing Phil's name. 

My free hand shakes with nerves, and Joey takes it in his, giving me a squeeze of reassurance. I smile thankfully at him. 

"You're in America?!" Phil shouts into the phone.

My eyes quickly downcast to the patterns of the airport carpet and I sigh, "No, the letter I left you totally didn't explain all of this to you." 

"This isn't the time for sarcasm, Fiona!" 

"Whatever. I told you I was leaving, isn't that enough? I'm with Cat and Joey. And don't you dare come after me. I'll never forgive you," I growl into the phone. 

"I don't think I can forgive you for this!" Phil shouts back. 

Fiona shrinks back, Phil can do many things, but he hasn't yelled at Fiona in years because he's mature now and he knows how easily hurt Fiona can get. 

"I - I'm sorry, P - Phil. I - I just need time to think," I stutter, feeling myself start to cry again before quickly hanging up. 

"Yeah, c'mon babe, let's get you some Starbucks," Cat whispers, pulling me into a reassuring hug. 


I sigh after I finish telling them the story. It started out with me sitting on one side of the booth, with Cat and Joey sat on the other, but it ends with me curled up in Joey's lap, and Cat rubbing my arm. 

"Oh don't deserve this, you don't deserve any of this. You can stay with me as long as you want, and I'll go everywhere with you," Cat tells me. 

A small smile graces my lips, "Thanks Cat." 

Phil has called and messaged me about 10 times each ever since I hung up on him, and I've purposely avoided him ever since. 

But she know Phil was not going to come after me. 

Dan hadn't contacted me, and I don't know if I'm happy or disappointed by that. 

"Do you want to talk anymore? We can go now, if you want," Cat says in a small voice. 

I nod, "Please. I want to sleep." 

Joey lifts me onto his arms and I smile again as he carries me to Cat's car. 

"Bye guys, I'm going back home now. I'll text you, yeah?" Joey says, grinning at the both of us before heading off. 

I lie down in the back of the car with a throbbing headache I've had ever since the call with Phil and sigh again. 

"We're gonna get your mind off this shit tomorrow, I know you just wanna rest today. When we get home you get in bed and I'll make you food," Cat declares, and I know not to argue. 

"Thanks Cat," I mumble. 

"No problem!" 

I decide to go through the texts Dan and Phil sent me, which for Phil are mostly just 'why?' or 'come back now.' and for Dan are long messages I just skim through. 

The last one, though, I read over and over what seems like a hundred times. 

I don't know what way he means it, but the last text, right in front of her eyes and now screenshotted in case she ever starts to believe it's not true, is 'I love you so much, Fiona. Please come back.' 


Haha, hi everyone! That was a short time between updates! Wow, okay yeah. this story is off hold now, but that doesn't mean anything. 


Oh my gosh this chapter was so cheesy and stupid and short but I sorta like it XD 

I was listening through Fall Out Boy through the whole thing so that really brought up my mood, so yep. 

Dan says he loves Fiona *childish 'ooh's*. Yeah, um...

Until next time guys. It won't take long, I don't think. Bye!

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