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(This is what she looks like older)

"Aniki!" a little five year old girl called. The little girl ran through her home searching for her oldest brother. She finally found him in the backyard practicing a technique. The girl smiled widely as she skipped over to her brother. "Aniki! Can you play with me?"

Her brother turned around to face her. Her brother was about six years older than her and he had long dark hair he always tied up in a low ponytail and dark kind eyes stared at her. He also had these lines that were on both sides of his nose. He smiled when his little sister skipped over to him.

"Maybe later, Tukiko. I have to practice or Father will get mad with me."

The little girl named Tukiko pouted. She looked almost like her older brother; she had dark, raven hair that shined blue in the sunshine and was styled in a short way with the back slightly sticking up and she had the exact same eyes as her brother. She was wearing a small dark blue playdress that her mother had forced her into.

Why does Father always get mad when you don't practice, Aniki? You're only eleven years old!"

Her brother sighed before sitting down on the grass. Tukiko followed suit, leaning in on her brother.

"It's...complicated, Imouto. You're too young to understand."

"I'm not too young!" Tukiko argued, pouting. "I'm old enough to make my own choices!"

Her brother's lips twitched upward just a bit. "Five years old isn't old enough that you can make your own decisions. It's only when you're my age can you make your own choices."

"But that's in a bajillion years, Aniki!"

"Maybe so. After all, you are still just a child."

"But you're a kid too, aren't you Aniki?" Tukiko asked curious.

Her brother sighed. "Not anymore, Imouto." He stood to his feet and pulled his sister to her feet. "Now go run along so you can play with Sasuke. I have to return to training."

Sasuke was Tukiko's twin brother. They were exactly alike in many ways from their hair to their likes. If their mother dressed them up in the same exact clothes, no one could tell the two alike. Even the way they spoke was identical. The only thing that was different about them was their genders and their clothes. Because no one could tell them apart, their mother decided that Tukiko would no longer wear pants so she was always stuck in play dresses, no matter how much she hated it.

Tukiko pouted. "But I want to play with you, Aniki!"

Tukiko was caught by surprise when her brother poked her forehead with two fingers. She rubbed her forehead, pouting more.

"Maybe next time, Tukiko."

"You always say next time but you never have enough time," Tukiko muttered as she rubbed where he poked her.

"Sorry," her brother apologized.

"Itachi," a rough voice called from the house.

Itachi looked towards the house to see their father, Fugaku Uchiha. He was the leader of the Uchiha clan as well as the cheif of police in in the Konoha police. He was well respected in both their clan and in the rest of Konoha. He walked over to his son and daughter, narrowing his eyes at his son.

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