about to fight panda! aw man!

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Tukiko didn't know how long she sat there crying. It felt like years to her. It was hard for her, knowing that she might never be able to escape her fate. Even if she tried really hard, she might never be able to escape that stupid marrige. But why? Why did she have to get married? Tukiko didn't want to get married! She already found someone she loved and she promised him that she would try to get out of the engagement set up for her. If she was out of the engagement, she would be able to be with him forever, never having to worry about getting married to someone she didn't love.

Now I'll never be able to marry him instead of Neji! I love him, not that fate obsessed freak! Tukiko sobbed, new tears falling as she thought of all chances of her marrying her love were gone. She would never able to see that mischievous smile he used when he was in battle ever again if she was going to become a housewife for some regal clan. Never again could she hear the words "I love you" from him. It sucked that she would never see him again!

"Tukiko-chan?" said the voice of Naruto.

Tukiko glanced up from her position. She stared at Naruto, hovering near her, through her blurry vision as he frowned at her tears. She realized that she probably looked horrible right now, crying in front of her brother's rival/best friend. Wiping away her tears, she noticed how beat up Naruto was and gave a weak laugh.

"It looks like you got hit by a tornado, Naruto." She finally noticed that he was here and blinked. "Did...Did you win your match?"

Naruto nodded, giving a weak grin. "Yeah, I won. I beat Neji!"

"Congrats!" congratulated Tukiko. "Wish I could've seen that."

"Yeah..." Naruto frowned, sitting beside her, his back to the wall. He stared as Tukiko put her chin on top of her knees, her tear stained face shining at the far away light from the end of the hallway. "Tukiko-chan, is it 
true about what Neji said? About...you getting married to him?"

"I told the idiot to keep his fat mouth shut," she muttered darkly. Then a depressed sigh left her lips. "Yes, its true. I'm engaged to Neji. My father and his uncle made this stupid engagement when I was just born so that we could untie our clans or something. I think they wanted grandchildren who could possess either the Sharingan or the Byakugan or even both.
I didn't know about the engagement and neither did Neji until the Hyuga's came to Sasuke and I's sixth birthday party. The moment I heard that, I ran away from the party and cried in a forest near my home. Then when it grew dark, I decided to run away. And that's what I did. I packed as many things as I could and ran while everyone else was at the party." New tears formed in her eyes.

"But why did you run? Why didn't you just stay in the village?" he asked, sounding upset with her and confused at the same time. "You could have trained to be a kunoichi along with Sasuke instead of just running! And he would have helped you figure out what to do! So why?"

"You don't get it Naruto!" Tukiko glared at Naruto, tears falling over. Her whole form was shaking by then. "You just don't get it, do you!? I could never train to be a kunoichi if I stayed in Konoha! My parents forbid it for me to be a ninja or even learn any of the clan jutsus. Instead, they made me train how to become the perfect housewife for Neji. All my life I was learning all of these house chores like cooking and cleaning and how to speak and etiquette and stuff. I didn't know why until I saw I was engaged to Neji. I knew that I could never be a ninja if I stayed in Konoha! And Sasuke wasn't much help either! My brothers told me I had to endure the marriage and just do it! I couldn't take no for an answer so I had to run. Why do you think I was so upset when I saw the Academy and learned that I was the only one not to train along with my brother? Why do you think I avoided being seen from Neji? And why I shouted for him to shut up about about the engagement and why I had to speak with Hinata privately during the first exam? I had to run if I wanted to achieve my dream!" She buried her head back into her arms, sobbing.

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