meeting the team yay!

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(She will kinda look
The next morning, Tukiko was the first one to wake up but Sasuke shortly followed. They both lay there, blinking away the sleepiness. After a few minutes, Tukiko turned to Sasuke, smiling.

"Morning, Sasu-chan!"

Sasuke groaned and hid his face in a pillow. Tukiko frowned.

"What? I get no good morning greeting anymore? Jeez, you have changed."


Tukiko glared at Sasuke before pushing him off the bed. She smirked when he groaned but it faded when Sasuke kneeled by the bed, glaring at her. She only smiled innocently.

"What? I didn't do it."

"Sure you didn't."

Tukiko rolled her eyes before getting out of bed. Then she headed towards the kitchen to prepare some breakfast for them but Sasuke stopped her.

"Wait. We don't have time for breakfast. Just grab some tomatoes," he said.

Tukiko raised an eyebrow. "How come?"

"I have to meet my sensei and after that, we're going to the Hokage tower."

She shrugged before stopping again.

"Wait, Sasuke. What am I going to wear? My clothes are old and ruined."

Tukiko was caught by surprise when clothes flew out the door way at her. She caught them and examined them. They were the same clothes that he was currently wearing.

"I have to wear your clothes?"

"It's either that or you go naked," he called.

"Your clothes it is."

Tukiko headed into the bathroom to change out of her ratty old clothes. A few minutes later, she came out looking exactly like her twin. She really did look like her twin except she didn't have the hitai-ate of the village on her forehead or the arm warmers. Tukiko went to the front door, put on her sandal shoes and walked out the door. Sasuke was waiting outside for her, eating a raw tomato and held another tomato in his hand for her. He handed the tomato to her, which she accepted. Then the two set off to the meeting place of Team 7.

Tukiko was looking at everything as they walked to the red bridge. She hasn't seen the village in over six yearsand everything looked different! Everything was bigger and better since she was last there. Sasuke had to stop her from entering the Ichiraku ramen shop so that they wouldn't see a certain blond teammate. After a while, Sasuke started to get annoyed by his sister's actions but didn't complain. After all, everything was practically different for her now.

They reached the meeting place where no one was there yet. Sasuke put his elbows on the railing and leaned against it while Tukiko sat on the railing, leaning against the post and one leg propped up on the railing. She looked like Sasuke when she did that.

"Hey, Sasuke. You didn't really tell me who your sensei was," Tukiko mentioned after a while. "So who is he?"

Sasuke sighed. "He's this jonin who is always late and reads perverted novels. One book is orange and has a man chasing a woman on the cover."

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