the fight

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Tukiko felt that she had been alseep forever. That's what it seemed like when she felt a warm sensation go through her body. It seemed very comforting to her and for some reason, familiar to her. After a while, her body gained back the energy to open her eyes. Her eyes drifted open to stare at a white ceiling. Her vision was a bit blurred but it focused a bit to see a woman with blond hair in pigtails hovering over her. A scowl was on the woman's face and Tukio blinked. She knew who this woman was.

"T-Tsunade-sama?" Tukiko was a bit surprised that her voice was a bit hoarse. Her throat felt like sandpaper and she couldn't speak. She pulled her body up and she was even more surprised to see that she was lying in a hospital bed. Her head pounded a bit but it was bareable. Her eyes glanced over to Tsunade, blinking.

Tsunade tsked at her, shaking her head in disappointment. "I'm ashamed of you, brat. I thought that you would be able to handle yourself but I see that you couldn't even stay awake long enough to try to defeat your brother!"

Tukiko frowned. "I-I'm sorry. It's just...that form of Sharingan..." She had never seen that type of attack of the Sharingan before. It was strange to see it. But why did it affect her? She wasn't even hit by the attack head-on. Sasuke was the one that was fighting Itachi at the time. So how did she get into that world? Was it some sort of mental attack? She shook her head and stared up at Tsunade. "So Tsunade-sama, what are you doing in Konoha?"

"You're not gonna believe it but Baa-chan is the new Hokage!" Naruto exclaimed as he appeared by her bedside. He was grinning really wide. "I went out and brought her back to the village so that she could heal you, the teme, Kakashi-sensei, and Bushy brow!"

"New Hokage?" She stared up at the woman who was grinning embarssingly. "I thought that you didn't even want to be in Konoha, much less the Fire Country."

"Yeah, well, someone convinced me to come back," she said with a small shrug.

Tukiko blinked, raising an eyebrow. She glanced over to Naruto who was still grinning. "Naruto convinced you, didn't he?"

"You bet I did! I even learned a cool new technique during the month we were away!"

Her eyes widened. "I've been out for a month!?"

"Yes by what the nurses say." Tsunade sat on her bed near her. "And by what Jiraiya told me, you were fighting Itachi and he used a technique on Sasuke. He checked to see that your brother sustained mental damage and when he checked you when you were knocked out, you sustained the same damage. Mind telling me how?"

"Well...ah..." Tukiko fidgeted with the bed sheets. She wasn't sure if she should tell her that she and Sasuke had a mind connection. By what she remembered of Tsunade, when she met her when she was just eight years old, she could remember very clearly that she was always curious about some medical stuff. Since their mind connection was something of the brain, she would definitely get curious. So she shook her head. "I-I don't know. I can't remember."

Tsunade raised an eyebrow, easily seeing that she was lying. She was about to accuse the girl of that when Tukiko's eyes flickered over to the bed that was next to her. She let out a relieved sigh when seeing Sasuke awake, as she was, and Sakura hugging the boy. Tsunade stopped short when seeing Tukiko frown and look down at the bedsheets. Tsunade frowned herself. She would ask Tukiko about what she was hiding but would handle that later. But for now, she would have to see the other people that Naruto was pestering to her about healing.

Tukiko saw Tsunade stand to her feet and saw her stern expression. "Well, you should be fine in just an hour or soon so that you can leave."

"What about Sasuke?" Tukiko glanced over to her brother who still seemed out of it.

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