the letters

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When Tukiko arrived at the clan estate entrance, there was not a soul in sight. Tukiko ran inside, hoping to see any sign of their family members but there was no one. Tukiko's heart began to speed up as well as the feeling of dread.

"Hello!? I'm home!" she called through the empty streets. There was still no one and she couldn't even sense anyone's chakra. Tears started to blind her eyes as she dashed towards her home. When she got there, there was no one. She entered the house quietly and yelled "Mother! Father! I'm home! It's Tukiko!"

No one answered her. Tukiko took off her shoes and walked through the house. She poked her head through each of the rooms to find them empty. Each room she went through only brought tears to her eyes. She finally came across her and Sasuke's room. She quietly stepped inside to see that nothing had changed except for the multiple weapons and scrolls scattered around the room. Tears fell as she walked into the closet. She slid it open to see some of her and Sasuke's old clothes but there was one thing at the bottom of the closet that surprised her. There on the floor was the kimono she wore on her birthday on the day she ran away.

Tukiko kneeled down to the floor and picked up the kimono. It was still dirty from where she had collapsed on the ground crying and it was also dusty. She rubbed the soft silk between her fingers. She remembered when she had to put it on for the party and she hated it. But now... She sighed and rubbed her hands against the soft fabric. When doing that, she came across a white edge that felt sharp. Confused, Tukiko held up the kimono to find that there were a pile of letters on the ground. Putting the kimono on the side, she gingerly picked up a letter and opened it to find Sasuke's handwriting. Her eyes widened before she read the letter.

Dear Tukiko,

How are you? I hope that you are doing well. Me? Well, I'm actually not doing well like you might be. You see, today is the day that I finally entered the Academy. I know that both of us wished to enter together and I wished it would happen. Father agreed to come and he did but I felt like he didn't really want to be there. Yesterday, Father said that he would join Aniki on his mission since it was really important. But then Aniki said that he wouldn't go on the mission so that he could go the opening ceremony. You remember that family members of the Academy student are supposed to be there right? Well, Father forgot but when Aniki said that he would go instead, Father insisted that Aniki would go on his mission while he would go. I was so happy at first but then Father told me to become a fine ninja just like Aniki. I know I'm supposed to be happy that he finally acknowledged me but for some reason I wasn't.

Tukiko, ever since you left. I started feeling more and more depressed. After you left, Mother and Father tried to find you but after only three months, they and the rest of our family forgot about you. Aniki and I were probably the only ones who remembered you and wished that you would come home. Mother and Father don't even mention you around the house anymore. Aniki says that they do miss you but we both knew that was a lie. Father never acknowledged you at all and Mother only wanted you to get married. I still can't believe that you were supposed to get married when we turned sixteen. Aniki says that getting married at that age wasn't right but Father doesn't care. We really miss you, Tukiko. Aniki also said that if we wrote letters to you then we could try to convince you to come home but we can't really do that since we don't know where you are right now. So he said that if we wrote letters to you but didn't send them, it would still be like you were here. That's mainly why I'm writing this.

Oh! I have to go now! I wish that you could see how me and Aniki are doing badly without you. We really do miss you.

Love, your twin brother,

Sasuke Uchiha

Tukiko read the letter and felt instantly bad. She had no idea that she was causing so much pain to her brothers. She thought that they would get over it but turns out,they didn't. But she couldn't believe that her parents just gave up on her like that only after a few months. She thought that they would miss her.

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