surprise surprise !!!

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(Kakashi is too funny)

"Ne, Tukiko-chan, do you want to buy some tomatoes?" Mikoto asked her five year old daughter.

"Hai! And get lots of it for Sasu-chan so he can get better!" Tukiko excitedly said to her mother as she held onto Itachi.

Right now, Mikoto, Itachi and Tukiko were at the market getting some food. It was unusal for Tukiko to be seen without Sasuke that day but her brother had caught a cold and Mikoto didn't want her to catch it either. So for the day, she was out with her mother and older brother while their father watched over Sasuke. But at the market, Tukiko was starting to get bored following her mother and brother.

So to escape the boredom, Tukiko snuck out of the shop when both her mother and brother's backs were turned. She smirked that famous Uchiha smirk and decided to look around the area near the shop. She didn't want a replay of what happened last year at the fair. Tukiko glanced around to see a ball near by. She had walked over and just picked up the ball when someone suddenly pushed her.

Tukiko fell onto the ground, scraping her knees. The ball bounced out of her hands. She groaned, feeling the scrapes and looked up to see a boy near her age. He was glaring at her and she glared back.

"Hey! What's the big idea!?" Tukiko demanded, picking herself up to glare at the boy.

"You had my ball and took it." He shrugged. "That's it."

"That's it!? You pushed me to get some ball? Why didn't you just ask instead of pushing me!?" Tukiko was outraged and pissed. She had never met many boys near her age except for Sasuke because she thought boys were stupid except for her brothers. They acted like they were tough when they weren't.

The boy began to become mad as well. "You wouldn't have given it back!"

"Yes, I would!"

"Oh, well!" The boy huffed as he walked over to the ball.

Tukiko didn't like the fact that the boy just walked away without apologizing. Her anger took over and she just jumped on the boy. The boy was caught off guard but soon started to resist. The two began to fight and wrestle in the dirt as passerbys stared at the children. They didn't even try to interfere. Tukiko punched the boy as much as she could and the boy did the same. He even bit her in the arm.

"Ouch!" Tukiko growled as the boy bit her on the arm. To make him let go, she raised her fist to punch the boy on the nose. He let go of Tukiko and clamped his nose which started to bleed. Tukiko took this time to pin the boy and make him lay on his back. She sat on his stomach, pinning his arms to the side. She smirked in triumph. "Are you going to say sorry now?"

"What's going on here?" a male voice said near Tukiko. She looked up to see the face of an older boy, probably a teen. He was a ninja by the ninja headband tied around his arm. The teen stared at Tukiko and then at the boy. He then glared at Tukiko who returned it with her Uchiha glare. "Did you do this to my brother?"

Tukiko opened her mouth to retort she did but stopped when someone picked her up by the back of her collar. She didn't flaile as she was lifted into the air and off the boy and set down on the ground. She glanced up to see Itachi, frowning at her.

"Oh, Itachi-san," the teen said in surprise. He picked up his own brother and handed him a tissue to clean up his bloody nose. The boy glared at Tukiko who glared back. The teen pointed down at Tukiko. "Is this your little brother? And why is he wearing a dress?"

Itachi and Tukiko sighed at the question.

"Actually, this is my little sister, Tama-san. Sasuke is at home, sick with a cold."

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