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The pair walked out the bathroom together and waved each other goodbye before separating. Youngjae walked back up to his date, apologizing as soon as he came back.

"It's fine, but we are missing some of the movie," Youngjae nodded and the walked forward, handing their movie tickets to the employee and entering the movie theater.

Throughout the movie, Youngjae couldn't contain his laughs every time a funny part came up which made Jaebum practically melt in his seat. It was possibly the cutest thing ever. A loud yet deep giggle rang through the theater, the young males cheeks red from laughing. Occasionally the dark brown haired male would point at the screen and Jaebum would laugh along, even though he wasn't watching the movie, mostly because he couldn't take his eyes off of Youngjae.


After the movie, Youngjae was still laughing, which made Jaebum smile. He would occasionally react his favorite parts, making Jaebum laugh at his silly ways. Sooner or later they stopped laughing and Youngjae was the one that initiated the hand holding. The walk back to the car was quiet yet peaceful. They both just basked in each others presence.

Once they both got into the car, Jaebum phone went off. Concerned, Jaebum answered the phone. A girl screamed into the mic and Youngjae watched as he spoke into the device, occasionally saying yes no's and okay's. He ended the call with a "I'll be their in a bit." and hung up, sighing contently.

"I'm so sorry, I need to get back to my house." Youngjae nodded his head, already making assumptions about the male.

"It's fine, you can just take me back to my house." Youngjae spat out, quickly slapping on his seat belt on. The ting of jealousy wasn't missed by Jaebum, and he smirked lightly before pulling out of the parking space.

otterjae: does jaebum have a girlfriend that you know of?

pepe.jy: no why do you ask?

otterjae:because some crusty girl called him and now he's taking me back home to go see her.

pepe.jy: jae are you peanut butter and jelly?

otterjae: no you rat ass I was just curious

pepe.jy: bitch I can feel your lies through this phone.

pepe.jy: anyways jaebum has a-

"Hey, we're here." When Youngjae looked up, he realized that he wasn't at his house.

"I said take me home, Jaebum. I'm not in the mood to be played with." The brunette ignored him and pulled his keys out the ignition before stepping out. He walked around to Youngjae's side before he could even think of locking the door. Youngjae's door flew open and before he knew it Im Jaebum was exactly five inches away from his face.

"If you come with me I'll show you that I'm not playing you." Youngjae's face was stoic but inside every alarm was going of inside of him, telling him to do everything is wrong but felt right. But Youngjae wasn't the only one.

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