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two days later

Jaebum visited Youngjae with no faults, arriving after 7:30 a.m. and leaving at 2:30 p.m. to pick up Minnie.

Each day wad filled with laughter, joy and sentimentality. The young onyx haired male slowly but surely opening up about himself, revealing his ups and downs in his life. Jaebum comforted him by doing the same, revealing all the times when he felt less than human.

Youngjae always listened to each story as they were life lessons, carving each perfectly spoken word into his mind so that he would never forget. Today, on Youngjae's last day at the hospital, the younger decided to ask the question that has been digging at the back of his mind for a while.

"Why did Minnie's mom leave?" Youngjae asked with the thin white pillow firmly clasped in his hands, shielding his chin from his kneecaps.

"She didn't leave, she wasn't really there. I woke up one morning to someone pounding on my door and when I opened it an older man complained to me that I left my child on the porch. Obviously I was confused since at the time I didn't know I had a child, but when he handed me the basket with the child inside I couldn't deny that she wasn't mine." Jaebum smiled softly at the memory. "She looked just like me."

"I wasn't the best parent, half of her toddler years she wore plastic bags as diapers and only ate cheerios. But over time I got the hang of it with the help of my mom, without her Minnie will still be walking around in a plastic bag filled with shit." Youngjae giggled at the thought of Jaebum attempting to wrap a plastic bag around the small giggly childs waist.

"You're a really good father Bummie. There's not a lot of single fathers in this world, you are one of the few who help make a difference." Youngjae grabbed Jaebum's hand, squeezing it tightly three times. Jaebum grabbed his other hand, rubbing both of his thumbs against the younger's soft skin.

"You would probably make a good mother." Once the words left Jaebum's mouth Youngjae turned red.

"Dont say things like that!" Youngjae squealed, a bright smile  showing on his face.

"It just fits so well, Mama Im." Youngjae squealed once again, unable to control his emotions.

"Why do I have your surname?" Youngjae asked, his face fading back to its normal tone.

"Because I'm going to marry you and be with only you forever."

That once sentence changed the dynamic of the room. Eyes became softer, the air became thicker. It was as if it was just them in the world and one else.

"I really want to be yours, I really do." Jaebum whispered, never taking his eyes off of Youngjae's.

"Then be mine." And with that their lips met. The very lips Jaebum dreamed about, watched carefully, and accidentally touched are finally against his own, pushing and molding against each other. Youngjae tugged against the elders shirt as if he wasn't close enough, and just as the elder was about to crawl into the bed they where interrupted by the doctor and Jinyoung.

"O-Oh I came to check up on you but you look like you're doing just fine." Youngjae's smiled sheepishly, his skin turning red at the doctor catching them in the act.

"I can obviously see that you are improving, you've passed all examinations so I'll give you the green light to go home tomorrow morning." All of the three males thanked the doctor. The room becoming silent after the door shut.

Tension filled the room like thick water, flooding the room in waves and blurring visions of mentality.

"I want to apologize." Jinyoung started softly. feeling out of his element since he isn't the one to apologize. " It wasn't my place to tell you how to lead your life and it's definitely not my place to tell you how you felt. I didn't go through what you when through with Mark and I crossed the line by dictating your choice. And for all of that, I'm sorry." The room laid silent as Jinyoung and Jaebum waited for Youngjae to respond.

"I know you were just looking out for me, and I'm thankful for it. I'm not the same Youngjae I was before, I've become better and learned how to control my own life. You just have to trust me hyung." Jinyoung smiled softly as he nods his head softly.

"Ok." He lets out, walking up to the open arms of Youngjae. After the two hugged Jinyoung sat at the edge of the bed and wiggled his eyebrows.

"So, you two huh?

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