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yo in all honesty i didn't expect to get any responses but yall really
helped so thank you😘


Jaebum sat in silence, unable to interact with the boy who most needed it. Youngjae trembled softly in his bed as tears streamed down his lips. He knew fucked up once the words left his lips.

Why do you care? Youngjae asked himself as his insides squirmed with cringe. Mark tried to kill him, destroy him, end him, but he still wanted to know if he was ok.

Jaebum watched the younger internally battle with himself and as much as he wanted to speak he couldn't. All of the things he wanted to say were stuck in his throat, all fighting to get out at the same time.

Instead of speaking Jaebum's hand reached out and grabbed Youngjae's balled up hand. The onyx haired male's fist loosened until his fingers laced up with his.

"I fucked up." Youngjae said softly. "I fucked up so badly." Youngjae could barely finished his sentence before another fit of tears came back.

Jaebum didn't know what to say. If he was in Youngjae's shoes he wouldn't give a fuck if Mark was dying after everything he did. So all he did was stay silent.

"You think I'm wrong too, huh?" Youngjae laughed sadly, making Jaebum all of a sudden feel guilty.

"Can I tell you something?" Youngjae asked, turning his head as much as he could towards the elder brunette. "Everyone thought I was so happy, but they never knew how easy it is to fake a smile with a bit of practice. Even the most genuine looking  smiles could be faked. I wasn't never happy and I was desperate for love. I knew Mark didn't care about me but I stayed anyways hoping that one day he'll find it in himself to finally love me, but I was wrong. After that day the opportunity arrived so that I can be myself with the excuse that I'm still upset over the break-up. I just want to walk down the street and past by him like he's a stranger but my heart won't let me forget. I just want to forget." After that last sentence the room filled with a thick silence that made their ears ring. The only thing that could be heard is the heart monitor beeping steadily in the background.

Jaebum wanted to be the only person running through Youngjae's mind. He wanted to be the first person the younger sees in the morning and the last person he sees at night. Jaebum wanted to make the onyx haired male's heart beat out of his chest just by being around him. The elder wanted Youngjae to feel everything that he felt when he was around him.

But he didn't know where to start, Youngjae was a forever broken individual who hid behind a mask that no one knew about for years, hiding his true emotions from everyone including himself.

"You don't deserve this Youngjae, you deserve someone who'll care for you always despite what you think. You deserve someone who would love a cherish you always."

"I wonder who would willing waste their time on loving me?" Youngjae asked, laughing softly as if what he said was a joke.

"I would." Jaebum simply stated, making Youngjae look at him in surprise. Jaebum only smiled, admiring the beauty in front of him. Youngjae was too much for him, Jaebum knew that. He wouldn't be surprised if the younger was the death of him since he can literally breath and Jaebum's heart would beat faster than Usain Bolt can run. Despite all this Jaebum still wanted him, he still needed him.

"I don't know Bummie, I don't want you to get tired of me." Youngjae unintentionally pouted at the idea of Jaebum leaving him due to his personality tiring him out.

"I could never get tired of you babe." And with that one sentence Youngjae did something he hasn't done in a long time: he genuinely smiled.

sorry it took me so long to update you guys! I got sick and I temporarily lost inspiration for this book (this usually happens when I stan a new group) but I'm back with a new chapter! I hope you guys like it.

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