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sorry for the long wait, I've lost inspiration for a bit but now im back!

Youngjae returned back home the next morning with a smile on his face from seeing his best friend, feeling some type of reassurance from his words about Jaebum. With Jinyoung's thoughts in mind he really wanted to jump into the dark and unpredictable abyss of love and take one of biggest risk he could possibly make.

All of Youngjae's pondering was put to a stop when he hear rustling in his room. Before he had a chance to leave Jaebum stepped out of Youngjae's room with a sickly white expression.

"Hi Bummie, what are you doing here?" Youngjae asked not realizing his somber expression since his mind was stuck somewhere else.

But he finally took notice once Jaebum walked up to him and hugged him tightly, pulling away to look him in the eyes.

"We need to talk." His voice shook and his eyes oozed in concern. This side of Jaebum was something Youngjae has never seen before. It was obvious that he was scared, but of what?

"What's wrong?" Youngjae questioned, rubbing Jaebum arm gently in hopes of calming him down but what he saw in the youngers personal bathroom, that he just found out existed, scared him profusely.

"I walked into your room and I noticed that the door left of your vanity was cracked." Youngjae's eyes widened, knowing fully well what this was about. "I walked in thinking that you where in there but all I found was a knife shoved into your mirror."

Instead of responding to Jaebum with some excuse Youngjae kept his head down, afraid of Jaebum's reaction to the situation especially after he would have tell him the story behind it.

"Baby please tell me what happened." Jaebum's voice dropped significantly to were it was a mere whisper, but those soft words held more power than anyone could ever think of. Deep emotions from Youngjae's lowest times were forcefully resurfaced. They clawed at his mind, filling it with images and vision that would bring a tear to anyone's eye.

"I don't know if I can." Youngjae whispered back with tears on the verge of spilling down his cheeks. He wanted Jaebum to drop it. No part of Youngjae screamed for him to spill everything out, for him to throw up all his emotions for Jaebum to dissect.

"Youngjae please. I understand that you don't enjoy telling me about your past due to your trust issues but I need for you to tell me what happened to you if you want us to grow in this relationships." Youngjae wanted to pull away to yell at him that they weren't even dating, that he had no right to pry into his mind and unearth deep emotions, but knowing Jaebum he would find a way to get around it.

"Promise me right now that you won't get mad." Jaebum nodded as he started walking forward until the back of Youngjae's knees found the edge of the couch cushion.

three years ago

Youngjae looked at himself in the mirror but met the eyes of an insane man. His hair laid in disarray, a bloody knife in his hand, the blood being his own, and his pale legs filled with slits that he made himself.

If you asked Youngjae a few years ago would he ever be in this situation he would probably thought you where crazy. But here he sat in this very position reveling in his mistakes instead of his triumphs.

Youngjae felt disgusted with himself as he examined the inner and outer part of his thighs that dripped with his own blood, the deafeating sound of blood dripping onto the wooden chair drilled into the brown haired's mind.

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