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As night fell over our two protagonist's current home town, they rolled down a dark street Youngjae's hand sticking out the window. He could feel the wind slip through his fingers like he was running his hands through silk. The feeling was comforting considering everything he went through.

Which is why every chance he gets Jaebum looks up into the review mirror and checks on Youngjae. He was concerned for the younger, especially seeing him like that in front of Mark. It was scary because its been so long since Jaebum became angry.

So instead of thinking about the incident he decided to think about Youngjae, which wasn't difficult considering that he was doing it already.

Jaebum placed a comforting hand on Youngjae's thigh and the younger didn't flinch when he squeezed it lightly. It didn't feel like those creepy guys at the club who shameless groped whoever looked desirable that night. It felt like warmth, it felt like comfort, it felt like home.

No wait, Youngjae thought. Home? No Jaebum couldn't possibly feel like home yet. But, once he placed his hand on top of his electricity lit up his hand, waking up his nervous system to a feeling he hid away for so long.

It wasn't love of course, it was way to early for that, but Youngjae knew that Jaebum just took the first step up towards Youngjae's heart and Youngjae is praying that he wouldn't take a step back and leave.

The car stopped at the end of the road, and at the end of that road was a vast field of grass. Jaebum stepped out the car and Youngjae followed suit. His feet crunched on the ground as he walked, each step brought him closer to the grassy plain but he stopped at the end of the gravel, listening to sounds of nature buzzing around him.

Everything was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The sky was littered in stars, something he didn't often get to see since he lived in big cities filled with lights all his life. The moon gave us light, illuminating the world in a way Youngjae has never seen before. It was peaceful, calm, and serene.

The perfect place to burn the memory of his ex.

Footsteps were heard and stopped next to our young protagonist, making him look up at him. Our elder looked out into the field and back at Youngjae.

"Are you ok?" He asked seriously, his eyed filled with concerned and his arms itching to wrapped theirselves around the youngers torso, pulling him into a hug and possibly-

"Yeah. But I'll be better if we start buring shit." Jaebum smirks, which evokes a new feeling from the Youngjae towards the elder.

"Well let's get started then." He steps of the gravel onto the grass and Youngjae, once again, follows suit.

"So, this is how I did it," He's done this before? "I started a small fire with small sheets of meaningless paper, and as I stare into the fire I express how I feel about the person that has or is hurting me. Then I throw away the memories one by one until they're gone." Youngjae nodded, wondering what type of heart bastard hurt Jaebum.

The fire started once Jaebum flicked open his lighter and lit spare sheets of blank paper and threw it on the ground. The paper crackled loudly against the ground and small ashes lit up the sky. Youngjae turned to Jaebum, who was now on the sitting on the ground. Jaebum nodded and Youngjae turned around, staring into the fire. Youngjae inhaled deeply before he started.

"You were my first love, you were the first person to make my heart beat out my chest, the first to make me care about my appearance when I woke up in the morning. But, on that fatal day, you snatched my heart out of my chest and tore in two with a vicious smile on your face and malicious intent in your eyes. I stayed in my studio for days writing songs to perfectly describe how I felt towards you, but I couldn't. You wanna know why I couldn't? It's because the love was never there. I was blinded and drunk on your attention that I didn't realize that you were constantly stabbing in my back. But, I'm glad I had this experience. Because I now know how it feels to get fucked over by someone you love." Youngjae pulled out the first note book and practically ripped out all of the pages filled with nice words about the elder and threw it into the fire. The flames grew in almost a rage, but younger kept going until all he had left was the box, which he threw in too to ease his rage.

His body shook, his blood boiled, but he didn't cry.

Jaebum watched the younger with a serious look on his face, studying his actions to figure out more about him. He obviously didn't like liars, that's usually a given about people that has cheated on him. But, he knows that he doesn't just want attention, he needs it. He needs someone to care because someone else hasn't cared enough to where he doesn't have to accept half-ass love because, to Jaebum, he's worth more than that.

"You feel better?" Jaebum asked finally breaking the silence. Youngjae nodded as he stared into the fire. Jaebum sighed and stood up, walking up to the younger and pulling him into a tight embrace.

"How am I supposed to help you if you keep on lying to me, Jae?" Jaebum asked teasingly, despite the situation. Youngjae looked up at Jaebum with his chin placed against Jaebum's chest, staring up at the male with eyes filled with honest, squeezing the male tighter in hopes to feel the elder's warmth surrounding his body.

"All I need from you is for you to stay."

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