-Chapter Five-

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<Reader POV>

I stared at Yoongi from my side-gaze. He was so pretty. . .

I wonder what he does? He goes to the most famous music academies in Seoul, so surely he must have a talent.

I tried not to think too hard on it, seeing as the notes I was taking were, according to Miss Iseul, "Highly useful for your quiz in two days!"

I liked her teaching methods. She would slow down if the students needed it, and speed up if everyone understood it. She kept at a nice pace, and she seemed really kind.

English seemed to fly by, and I was soon headed to my second class of the day; Photography. Professor Gyeong.

If went by smoothly. I didn't have Yoongi in that class, but I sure as hell was happy to not share that class with those four awful girls. And plus, Mina was there as well. We introduced ourselves and talked for a bit — She's actually a really nice girl. She explained to me that those four girls that were being rude was the school's queenka gang, BlackPink. The leader I already knew, Lisa, and the girl with the rose colored hair was ironically named Rosé. The casual yet feminine dressed one with long brown hair was called Jisoo, and the one with brown hair that faded into a blonde ombré was Jennie. Photography ended, in my opinion, too soon and it was then time for lunch. The kind looking girl that the professor introduced as Mina approached me after class.

"Would you like to sit with me?" Mina offered kindly.

"Uh. . Sure!" I said with a genuine smile and sincerity in my tone.

"Lovely. I'm Jung Mina." She said with a smile. She extended her hand out for me to shake.

"(L/N) (Y/N)." I said simply. I returned her smile and accepted her greeting by lightly shaking her hand.

We dropped our bags by our next classes, and was left with only our lunches in our possession. We entered the cafeteria and were greeted by several glances and stares, but nothing too major as to disrupt the happy buzz of conversations echoing throughout the room. We sat down at a booth near the back, and got to know each other more as we ate.

"So (Y/N), what do you think of BratPink?" She said sassily. I couldn't hold back a small giggle that escaped my throat.

"I can already tell that if you don't get along with them, then your reputation sure as hell will sink. I personally don't care about rep, seeing as I came here to study music and pursue what I love." I answered truthfully.

"I was wondering about that. What's your artsy little talent that made them accept you into here?" Mina asked me curiously. She looked so eager to know that I might have seen several twinkles in her now round and widened eyes.

"Well I- Uhm. . . I'm a pianist. And I try to sing, but fail miserably. I compose pieces and love anything to do with photography or that general aesthetic art field." I say with a reddening face. I really don't like talking about myself. It makes me feel. . . Like I'm lying. Even though everything I've told her is true, it just still comes off as a shock to me that someone as lowly as me could have gotten this far.

"Jinja?! That's so cool! I bet you play beautifully. I bet your photos look amazing too!" Mina said brightly. I would have thought this girl to be shy and quiet, but once you get to know her, she's actually pretty outgoing and optimistic.

My face reddened once again at her comment. "I-I don't know about that. . . It's really nothing special." I said timidly as I shifted slightly uncomfortably in my seat.

We eventually dropped the topic and carried out a new conversation, only to be soon silenced by the bell signaling that lunch was over. Mina and I unfortunately had to part ways. And to made matters worse, I had Arithmetic. Fancy word for math.

I dreaded math. It was so boring. I did a quick introduction and the professor, Mister Hoon, immediately went into a long and dry lesson.

After an agonizing hour and a half, I finally got to go to the class I was most eager to participate in; Piano Lessons. Miss Areum.

I was shocked to find out that not a lot of people were in this class. Only me, a few other girls, a few boys that I hadn't met and. . . Yoongi.

So he's a pianist too, huh? I wonder what his style is. . .

I didn't realize I had been staring at him while completely lost in my thoughts until he shot me a cold glare as if to say, 'What the hell are you looking at?' I quickly shook my head and faced forward towards the piano that stood in the front of the class. There were more, but they were all behind where the students sat.

The professor marched in a few moments after I had entered. Her appearance matched her name very well. She was absolutely stunning. Her long brown hair fell down her shoulders like a waterfall, her full lips turned into the kindest smile I've ever seen from a human being, and her shimmering blue eyes were filled with innocence and purity. I could tell that I was going to like her.

"Annyeonghaseyo, class!" She spoke in a dreamy tone. "We are all very excited to see what you can bring to our small family, here. Would you mind staying after class for a little bit to play for me? Just so I can see what your 'style' is?" Miss Areum's voice rung out in the silent room.

"No ma'am, not at all." I muttered politely. I'm shocked she heard it.

"Lovely. Now as you all know, we need as much help as we can get. So, I do ask you all to try and make (Y/N) feel welcomed and not scare her away! I'm looking at you Min Yoongi." She said teasingly.

"Yes ma'am." Yoongi smiled softly as a reply to her comedic comment. The small class released a warm chuckle.

"Very good." Miss Areum laughed a bit herself. Her laugh was so soft and pure that I was genuinely questioning the woman's age for a few moments.

The lessons went by exactly how I wanted it to. Miss Areum was very good at keeping her kids optimistic when they messed up on a note or read something wrong. She taught very well and I understood every bit of it.

Sadly, the time came when it was time for my peers to depart from the large school and head home. I, of course, stayed behind. I noticed that all of the other students turned left towards the exit, but Yoongi turned right.


"So, what would you describe as your playing style?" She questioned me after all the students had left.

"Well. . . To be honest, Professor. . I don't really have a specific style. It's complicated. . . The best way that I could explain it is that I sort of," I paused, searching for the correct phrasing on my explanation. "I play out how I feel. Sometimes it's upbeat, happy, and all in minor, but other times it's sad, deep, and all in major. Sometimes it's a mix of both. Playing the piano is my escape from the harsh reality and it plays out how I feel when I can't explain what I'm trying to say." I was quite proud of myself for not stuttering.

Miss Areum looked at me like I had just spilled my heart out to her. Well, in a way, I did.

"How intriguing. . . That's exactly what Yoongi told me on his first day. You two share such a passionate love for this instrument, and I look up to you both because of that." She said with that kind smile. "Now, let's see what you've got!"

"W-Well. . I wrote it. Is it still alright for me to play?" I asked sheepishly.

"Of course, (Y/N)! That's actually better because I can get a feel of how you compose." Miss Areum said gleefully. I sat down at the slide-out piano bench and scanned the beautiful object.

I smiled sheepishly in response. "Alright. W-Well, this piece is called 'Spring Day'." I extended my fingers out, and played my piece.

. . . . (AN: Now would be a great time to play the video at the top). . . .

"Wow. . Just. . . Wow." Miss Areum was breath-taken once I had finished. I had composed it myself, which I had also mentioned to her.

Her eyes had a glassy appearance to them, as if she were about to cry. "I've never heard a student play so beautifully before. . And you wrote this?! It's so creative! I, a professional, would have never thought of this!" She seemed to be completely awestruck.

If you haven't listened to piano covers of BTS songs, I highly recommend.🌸

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