-Chapter Sixteen-

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Weeks passed, and soon came the day of Yoongi's surgery. Eomma said we could go to support him, and I messaged Jimin and Mina about it. I figured Yoongi wouldn't really want Taehyung present...

Eomma volunteered to get Mina and Jimin. She wanted to get Yoongi too, but when I called Yoongi and asked if he wanted to drive with us he turned her offer down.

The four of us met Yoongi at the hospital. Eomma had to leave early, agreeing to come pick us up when the time comes. Yoongi checked in before joining us at the waiting benches. The hospital was unusually crowded, so I prepared myself for a long wait.

Seconds turned to minutes, and minutes turned to hours. My anxiety grew inside of me, and probably in the others too. Mina and Jimin exchanged nervous glances multiple times, and Yoongi kept his head down. I could tell he was probably the most fearful out of all of us.

I snuck my hand over to his side, taking his in mine. I squeezed gently in an attempt to reassure him, and it seemed to work a little bit. He looked at me with heartfelt eyes and a gentle smile, melting my heart instantly. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment that seemed like it lasted forever (not that I was complaining), until a voice managed to crush the moment as well as send my stomach into a spiraling void of anxiety.

"Min Yoongi." The male doctor called out through the cracked door.

Yoongi closed his eyes and exhaled as if he'd been holding his breath. I took notice of his trembling hands as he arose from his seat, shaking in fear. The doctor kept the door open for him, and soon the both of them disappeared.

And now for the most nightmarish part, the wait.

I wondered what would happen if he didn't make it out of that operating room alive. What would become of me? He would be gone for good... because of me. Because I let my feelings get away from me after a stupid argument. That one horrible thought circled around my head for hours, never failing to remind me of the current situation.

Yoongi might die... because of me.

I'm 99% sure a sliver of my sanity got washed out because of that one realization. I realized... I needed him. I couldn't live a life without him.

And upon hearing my inner voice say that, a wave of relief hit me. Like I had been lacking something that I finally found. Not in person, but inside myself. A hole in my heart was just filled back up again.

Hours passed, and Yoongi still hasn't come out of the double doors that were only meters away from me. Mina and Jimin eventually fell asleep while leaning on each other, and I just sat there alone with my constantly-building anxiety.

About six hours passed in total before a nurse in a health mask came up to me.

"The surgery went well. No complications whatsoever, and Min Yoongi should be able to get out of here in a couple weeks." The creases in the sides of her eyes hinted that she was smiling.

I exhaled so deeply that it could easily be mistaken for a groan. Yoongi made it! He was going to be alright! All of the pain from my stomach churning vanished as I giddily woke up Mina and Jimin for them to hear the good news.

Slowly and groggily they awoke, only to snap fully awake at the sight of the nurse. She repeated the fantastic news to them, and they both jumped up and hugged each other. I couldn't help but admire how adorable they actually were.

"He won't be taking visitors now, as it will take some time for him to fully recover. But I believe in about two or three days time you will be able to see him. He will positively be fully recovered by that time." She explained in a smooth voice.

My Melody   {Min Yoongi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now